Just a word of warning.
Different brand/types of HID kits have a difference response time for the lights to be at there full heating brightness.
Which means if your driving and you decide to switch to high beam for few minutes then you switch back to the normal lights which would be your HID there would be a few seconds your in the dark before they reach there full brightness.
If your driving in the hills say at about 100km`s then a few seconds in the dark could be dangerous. I didn't think about that when I put in my HID until it happened to me so I just let others know also.
Police usually don't bother you too much as long as you keep your HID 6000k and below, the main thing that gets the attraction of the police is when you fit the HID but don't tilt the light adjustment down. Nothing worse than some body HID shinning right in your face.
When you install the HID make an effort to make it look professional that way the police wont think its done by some backyard person therefore less chance of getting a canary.
That`s my opinion anyways..