Sweet thanks mate, will hit him up!
Just a little update will be flying back from work on saturday, finally!! for 9 days anyway.
All the parts have arrived even the new quarter panel that had to come from Japan through Paul at Ferntree Gully parts who has been a huge help and cost me next to nothing for shipping from the east coast to here in Perth.
meeting Josh from Galvsport on Monday to see where to go, thinking i'll just bite the bullet and get it all done spot on first time round. So first stage get it all fixed and cleaned up running perfect and registered then after a month or so take it back rip the engine out build that and do the engine bay at the same time.
Hopefully have some photo's of it on a trailer enroute to be repaired next week!
Getting very excited now haha had to vent somewhere as i think the guys at work are getting over me going on about it