I got a letter in the mail the other day saying "We have not recieved your choice as to wether you would like to have a 6 months suspended license, or a 12 months good driving behavior bond"
I was all WTF
Went down to the Department of Transport to have it sorted, and they wouldn't even look into the computer until i told them how many fines i had.
2 Fines, for exceeding 20 km/h, that aint 12 points.
They looked puzzled, checked it out, and after much conversation between supervisors, they still couldn't give me a straight answer.
The best they could give me was:
"If you are caught doing over 20 km/h twice in a 12 month period, you're hit with extra demerit points"
And sure enough there it was on the screen, 2x speeding fines, 1x demerit hit for having 2x 20kmh fines
So now i'm on a year's good driving behaviour because i need my car for work, and driving unlicensed in a Skyline? Yeah forget that.
Can someone please tell me that they've heard of this happening? Because i sure as hell haven't, and once i get moving house bullshit out of the way, i'm going to call the Department of Land Transport and Safety (the demerit people) and ask them what the hell.
(Edit: 4 points for each fine, 4 points extra demerits for being naughty in a special way = 12 points)