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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. guys dont pick on him for having no alarm can you seriously tell me that people even listen to car alarms anymore? with the amount that are set off accidentally and the time taken to disarm them is the same time it takes for the owner to do it alarms are worthless, immobilisers are the win
  2. also i need to paint and kit my car real soon, i'm seeing a stupid number of silver 4 door 34s lately a couple of months ago, the number of cars like mine could be counted on one hand in all of brisbane (seen regularly, if at all).... but now, i saw THREE like mine in one night, and this was driving from holland park to lutwyche admittedly it was thursday night but still =(
  3. mercury are decent
  4. SEE?!! choy's stalking meeeeeeeeeeeee Only person who ever spots me, and i put a LOT of k's in on that car. Probably because i rarely ever use 'main roads' and always use the backstreets which are tons faster, ie. chatsworth rd.
  5. I'd prefer melbourne. Also, (not post aimed at original poster, just rant) we have far too many f**king people moving to "sunny brisbane" because everyone only ever hears it's an awesome place to live. I'm on the roads in peak hour traffic again for the first time in like 5 years, and the congestion is easily 3-4 times worse. What the hell? How many damn people have we grown to? This city used to be empty, now it's overfull of people, and funny enough they all act the same too... like braindead knuckledragging yokel f**kwits =P
  6. in for a little bit before work =)
  7. net's back on and now i'm back in the loop i'll come =P also benno i can pick you up AND also i'm staying the f**k away from the chicken this time =P
  8. swoit nice anna =D
  9. wonder when those popped up i drove right hand side all the way up to wynnum rd the other night and didn't see anything?
  10. it's gay, what's the f**king point of having 12 points when it only takes two minor fines to lose your license?
  11. Also the circumstances of the fines so you don't think i'm a big mean hoon - Passing a friend i was with on lomandra drive because he radioed that he had no clue where to go, so i went on ahead. Broke the speed limit passing him, and an undercover hoon patrol ute was behind us with a video camera aparrently. Bam 4 points. - Driving along Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd on our way to the drifts at qld raceway, got radar gunned by a bike copper up the top of a hill, who would have got me coming down a hill (naturally). I thought it was 70, he said it was 60. So hill roll + incorrect signage, BAM 4 points.
  12. Ha. I got a letter in the mail the other day saying "We have not recieved your choice as to wether you would like to have a 6 months suspended license, or a 12 months good driving behavior bond" I was all WTF Went down to the Department of Transport to have it sorted, and they wouldn't even look into the computer until i told them how many fines i had. 2 Fines, for exceeding 20 km/h, that aint 12 points. They looked puzzled, checked it out, and after much conversation between supervisors, they still couldn't give me a straight answer. The best they could give me was: "If you are caught doing over 20 km/h twice in a 12 month period, you're hit with extra demerit points" And sure enough there it was on the screen, 2x speeding fines, 1x demerit hit for having 2x 20kmh fines So now i'm on a year's good driving behaviour because i need my car for work, and driving unlicensed in a Skyline? Yeah forget that. Can someone please tell me that they've heard of this happening? Because i sure as hell haven't, and once i get moving house bullshit out of the way, i'm going to call the Department of Land Transport and Safety (the demerit people) and ask them what the hell. (Edit: 4 points for each fine, 4 points extra demerits for being naughty in a special way = 12 points)
  13. LOL FAG brilliant Try some of the 5 char combos, they look better imo
  14. she's not old and crippled yet like the rest of us with our heads all full of other rubbish be damned if i could remember standard plates any longer than 30 seconds =/
  15. in
  16. hell, have to bail as well actually need more than 2 hours sleep tonight before work =(
  17. well that explains a lot, you're forgiven (partially ) myself i got to sergeant in the army cadets in 96 before leaving because it was getting real gay real fast luckily i was part of the chosen few who were probably the last cadets to fire off rounds at the greenbank rifle range rubbish steyrs all you like, i love em
  18. i parked behind a grey 33, which i've since been told isn't flagger's car
  19. i'm in benno you need a lift on my way through? an affirmative answer can be sent via pm by way of your address, kthx =D
  20. or you could read the thread as it's been mentioned several times? west side of logan road, in between creek road and broadwater road it's a huge yellow (orange?) building on an entirely cemented lot with staff in blue tee shirts and a cafe to one side good luck finding it =P
  21. word spellcheck is an american dictionary, and i'll laugh the day it gets picked up
  22. oh jesus christ =(
  23. Pimpin bump. Haven't washed car in several weeks, and whatever this car wash uses... the dirt just slides right off. It's STILL shiny. I love this place.
  24. i didn't know choyda was in the cadets, he's a cool dude, definately doesn't fit his job description
  25. oh that 33 was yours, neat wave? i don't know what you look like =P also parking was due to "omfg nice 33 ok parking there zoom zoom" shrug
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