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  1. You remember me? My whore girlfriend offer favour? I not turn back on her for fear of cheaty, cheaty. I not no garage cafe. Maybe me be there for other reason...i drive black mercedes
  2. Back home in Eastern Block. People talk of DECA people talk of steroids.
  3. Полный привод это навсегда, и RB20 является stiggy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3F0ACII6o8&NR=1
  4. I am angry man! Runny runny and f**k offski with my money! Old bold man like me only get girls when driving hired F430. Back to importing Russian bride
  5. Was very disappointed to find that the GTR is not a proper auto instead a manual. WHen back home in Moldova i will get another AMG
  6. Ah, box shaped car...good, good. Remind me of cars back home in Moldova, Good f**king
  7. Yes, yes, yes. Busy, busy, busy. Very busy. Friend no longer friend f**king. He now has airbag wheel and my young bride. Communism does not stop brother from taking trophy wife
  8. Back home as kid in Moldovian hovel as child, Big Jim Slade was role model to many young children
  9. Sputnik

    Need Help

    All this chitter chatter new to me, ex dipolmat mean i know little of requirements. Plenty of kiddly fiddler work as diplomat, i outcast cause i not like most GTR owners, i not touch little boys...farking. But need visa so can stay and take head of bastard farking my ex sife farking
  10. I often thought about a 20B in my old BRABUS
  11. Sputnik

    Need Help

    Since losing my 21yr old wife, my car , my house and diplomatic immunity...the Aus government want to deport me.... farking. Since selling my R34 i have been told most GTR owners enjoy the company of men...so since Australia has liberal government.... farking... i thought i would quickly ask if there are any male loving GTR owners that would take me as their bride. Dont mistake...farking...this as a joke. This is a rare opportunity to get in on the ground level....farking. This will be ... farking.... strictly business and no farking... again, no farking. I need more time in Australia so i can chase down whore of ex-wife
  12. Enough chittychatty im so sick of chittychatty. good my stress is badness. i need documents or i will not visit moldova ever.. i tell joke. what is in back 6 pages of lada manual? Bus and train timetable. a childrens favouright. now i make chittychatty. i am shame. need blue car driver. who is owner of one in picture? no more time today.
  13. Look similar but had stickers. Saw at cannery where machine be installed other weekend. Need documents from car. Estonia? No my from Moldova and yes car very good at high speeds, 300+. Sold car, silly mistake. Should have kept. Things no good as 1 year ago
  14. My first job in private industry, i am working for soviet machine manufacturer. new pakaging line in for big fruittry SPc... I saw my old GTr. Metal blue paint, many big stickers and race number on door! looked like much motorsport many cars and my old car. Is this the deca? Many festive people looking. my car look quickist! any chance who know who bought my old car? I purchase long time ago. had to sell as my wife, she cant drive manual. if new owner of car on here need to contact, was dishonorably discharged from diplomat position because many documnets left within blue car! Big Trouble! since mistake family lose government house's and wife now with replacement Moldova diplomat!
  15. Hmmm, maybe i should buy an R32 GTSt farking
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