Shell,,,glad to see your dirty mind is still active,,,,COOL,,,,
Actually,,,it was the bloody car,,,,everybody parked on the hill,,,picture,,, after the Chase,,,we all parked on top of the grass verge,,,,MAD. This older Guy,,,Yes Older than Me and his blond hair daughter (Factory,,,full spec Blond),,,Spunky as,,,came up and asked tons of questions about it and the difference between mine and a GTR. Turns out she thinks Dad's got it all wrong,,,,Ha Ha,,,, he's converted a standard GSR to full Spec Evo 4,,,,Nice unit indeed,,,She wanted a GTR,,,.
Next year You and Drew are coming with us,,,,Hey,,,, I had a 10 minute convo with Jim Richards in the pits Sunday Morning,,,,Cool Man....