I searched all over, and hav'nt gotten an answer that stops my mind from mulling over this yet.
On a car with an internal gate and a dump pipe with the open "screamer", how does the dump seal off from the screamer to keep it from being a continuous exhaust leak from the screamer it's self?
Someone is selling them on here for 32s and 33s, and I really want one, but I just cant see it sealing up.
I see that they have a piece of pipe extending into the exhaust housing, but is that enough to seal it up?
I would love some input from some of the fellas who have purchased, and are using one of these.
Also, this may be a dumb question, but if I dont mind the loudness of my straight 3" exhaust with straight thru muffler, or the sound of an open pop-off valve...will this thing be ear peircing, head ache inducing loud? Or will it be just another turbo sound to add to the list. Once again, opinions from those with ANY kind of screamer pipe, internal gate or external would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance for your help guys.