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Everything posted by AlexR34

  1. Depends, what state you in, i know if your in QLD the new laws only affect people that got their licence after the restrictions started.
  2. Nah not worth there are no cracks except for the little chip in mine I called the guy i think he wants a bit too much rear bumper $275 and one rear tail light panel $375, i can just go get a frequen body kit for that lol.
  3. let me just start by making a short story long, i reversed into a pole - no gay jokes please lol. I have a r34 sedan SILVER in colour. I damaged the rear bar and the little r34 rear light cracked abit, and a little dent in the boot. Damage to the rear bar. The part where the bumper hit the pole pain has cracked, no dents, but has cracked i guess in a little circle shape. Next there is a little chip below that and some scratches around that. After that ontop of the bumper where my lights are, the smaller light has cracked and a little black mark on the panel itself and ontop of that lol there a tiny dint in the boot. Also the rear light panel has been pushed in so it looks like the boot sticks out. Now my enquirey, who can doo me an awsome price on fixing this, im looking at you 70YRB lol I sent you a pm but i dont know if you got it i cant find it in my sent items. Or does anyone out there know someone with a silver r34 or wrecker, thats will to part with a rear silver bumper and the rear drivers side brake lights panel. Thanks Everyone in advance. Aleks Please avoid stupid posts i dont want this thread to get clogged up.
  4. Yeah but some people are tired and just forget about shit like that, i rember once i drove with the headlights on and people were flashing me so i slowed down cause i thought there were cops up ahead lol.
  5. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA thats so true, i really am, but see before I was just plain lazy, now i work full time, study full time, and have a gf full time, so if i was lazy before, you have no idea how lazy i am now to chase car parts lol. Thanks for spank lol. Ill give them a call tomorrow.
  6. Could you get me a name and number pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol
  7. Too late sorry, but it probably wouldnt have worked anyway because my car is silver and nothing ever comes up on the camera lol, but yeah he did a good job i can notice them, and i have good eyes lol.
  8. Where can I get these, They are not the same as the turbo ones, the turbo ones have U points at the bootom my ones are the O joints. I think but can't confirm they the same as the R33's. Where can i get a pair of these someone help me please ive been looking for them for like ever because one of mine is leaking, i am in QLD peoples. Everyones help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Aleks
  9. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dammit, i always forget about you, now some noob is coming to do it today, he better do it good, or ill take my car to you, thatll show him lol.
  10. Yeah looks like this guy's got the job, he's gonna do it if he can for $198.
  11. What is that spray thing he uses and where can i get it to try this out.
  12. Yeah my one isnt that bad, i really dont have time to do it though, thats why i need someone to do it. But worst comes to worst ill get a plunger and try to pull it out lol.
  13. Thats my last resort, if you confident with the tools, you can come over and do it and ill even pay you lol
  14. Hello, I have a 1998 Nissan Skyline R34 sedan, silver. Anyway to save you the hassell of reading an essay, so wanker or wankers on the weekend dented my car and it looks like they did it with the palm of their hands, there is about 4 dents, 2 on the front left panel which are about medium not that huge but clearly visible and they have sort of merged into each other and 2 on the front left door which are tiny and I only saw them about 3 weeks after the incident. Currently Dent Dr. Says they can doo this for me for around $300 no including GST, and even then might not be good enough. Anyone who can help would be great, the cheeper the better lol. Thanks in advance, Aleks NB: I HATE NOOBS THAT GO AROUND HITTING CARS, WHAT ASHOLES, JUST CAUSE THEY JELOUSE HOMOS just my rant lol.
  15. Are youre tires pretty even, cause if you have old tires and some are more worn then others, it can pull to the side.
  16. I have a r34 non turbo and now i wanna buy the r34 gtt but im having a hard time trying to force myself to buy the same car again with a turbo even though i love it, i wanna go over to the euro side of the world, but then i wont be fully sick kent hanging around mc donalds with my fully sick exhaust and fully sick blow off valve lol. Like the guy said u cant compare sti v9 to R34GTT it would make more sence to compare it to a r34 GTR. I was thinking of buying the new V35, no i dont want the 350z , no backseat and thats a huge problem. But yeah if i was in your position id just get a r33 GTR.
  17. So basically, u just wasted a bunch of time, and if your dad wasnt a lawyer would have been a waste of money aswell, and the cop gets of with nothing. I WANNA SEE BLOOD DAMMIT. Cant you make the cop pay some how. pleaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeee.
  18. OH that is so dodgy lol, tell us the name of the car yard and we will go frow eggs at it.
  19. with the printer, have u actually installed it, like start ->printers and add printer etc etc, you would just need to share the printer from there, technically should all work.
  20. Could maybe be the aircon belt.
  21. Nah i can go over budget not big deal and plus i have mates who can install for me, just wondering if anyone knows of those packages cause i was looking for that myself.
  22. Sanyo aj lol
  23. Why is everyone against sony what is wrong with them, you would think sony being such a huge company that there gear would be good.
  24. Yeah thats just what the cops need, I woulnt even know wether to stop i think id just keep driving lol. They can pull me over in that anyday
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