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Everything posted by AlexR34

  1. Yeah i dont know whats going on aj lol Stupid jap crap lol. (Just kidding love my skyline, everyone calm down lol).
  2. Ah i actually wanna change both of them, so need 2 and does ur r33 rear strut look like the one in my pic.
  3. Lol yeah i thing u might know nismo lol. Its all good $50 is nothing.
  4. Why the bloody VE commodore, i recon the toyota aurion is better in most ways for one its faster and wastes less fuel it also looks better (to mee) and is probably as roomy as or close to as roomy as the commodore.
  5. I have 6 coil packs that i changed for splitfires of my r34 GTS( pretty sure the coil packs are the same for the turbo and non turbo engines) If interested pm me only selling all 6 of them, 1 is bad i dont know which one though LOL.
  6. Yeah something like that, i know that some r33 ones fit (thats what i was told by a mechanic) but he didnt tell me from which model. Heres a pic of the ones i bought that dont fit, these are of the turbo r34 gtt sedan, so i need the opposite of these lol.
  7. Yeah what happen, ive been silently following this lol.
  8. Nah i just cant be stuffed going all the way up there id rather just pay a little extra.
  9. Mate they in coloundra thats a bit of a drive.
  10. yOU GOT AN address or phone number
  11. Hi i have a r34 sedan. Just wondering where can i get it tinted to the darkest legal limit for pretty cheap, i just dont want it to bubble after a while so something half decent. So where is a good cheap place to tint my car in the south east. Thx All
  12. This is exactly why i dont take my car to the mechanic anymore i try and do everything on my own that is possible with the tools i have, and i dont let crappy dealer mechanic service my car with some crappy MOBIL oil, my baby only deserves MOTUL oils. Good luck with everything.
  13. I agree with N15sm0 you should have just kept driving and ran them over atleast then he would have a reason to complain
  14. But thats exactly the thing i dont want a mortgage because i go to uni work full time, plus run my own business with my dad, thats enough hassell if i had to take care of a house aswell id go crazy.
  15. I love lamb im sam kankovic, yeah ive decided to get comprehensive anyway until i sell the car its gonna cost me $2600 with just car and they gonna insure it for 19500, with wheels, exhaust, pod, and the springs.
  16. Ahahahhaa ok if i go ill tell TROY that TROY sent me lol.
  17. Its not the same out of the R34 turbo, i already bought the ones from the R34 turbo and the top part or something doesnt match.
  18. If it looks the same then who really cares its just a badge, if no one can tell that its not real does it really matter.
  19. Yeah thx COL they are heard to come by ive been looking for them for a while apparently some r33 ones can go in but i dont know which ones.
  20. Where can i get R34 Sedan NON TURBO rear struts and it matters if its turbo or not.
  21. Ahahahahahhah, nice dan, And col, im just not ready for a house im not even sure i wanna live in this country for 5 more years, no water, too many laws lol, and insurance is to expensive lol. All the stuff that make me wanna move. Who knows a good country whith cheep insurance, sexy cars, and not alot of laws lol. I think italy classifys lol. All ferraris and crap and i love europe no one follows the speed limits lol. Germanys autobarn ive been dying to try that lol.
  22. Ahahahhahaha im not lebanese, dont drive hondas id rather get a old school beema, whats wrong with skidz lol.
  23. OH sorry brom i though u ment registration plates lol my bad, nah dont put those plates on. THe only huge risk your taking is crashing the car into another car, beacuse no insurance will cover that, that was the biggest worry for me, apart from that go for it lol. Just remeber a car accident can be worth thousands and if you hit somebody on your l's then no lawyer in the world will save u.
  24. Nah man, im into cars for now, ill buy a house later in life im only bloody 19, i dont plan to buy a house till 25, why put my self through all the bills and bullcrap of owning a home lol.
  25. All these guys are too mature here mait, i say keep driving just get some plates, the fine is pretty soft if u get cought, but get some plates i drove on my l's for ages. The fine is QLD is $130 im sure its pretty similar all around. If you want to do it mait do it, its not a big deal but u r an idiot for not having plates lol.
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