Hi guys,
I have been making some minor changes to my ignition map as my tuner had it running way to much advance so I am cutting it down a bit. I have been using the map tracer to locate the areas on the map that are used and noticed that the tracer never goes passed cell 11 on the load/boost axis. I guess this is due to the AFM maxing out (am i on the right track?).
Any way my question is this:
Has anybody out there got some sort of conversion for the load axis...
i.e. a conversion for the p1, p2, p3, p4 on the load scale etc etc...
A conversion for the rpm would be good as well, i.e. n1, n2, n3
I realise that these are linear and that you probably dont need to know what PSI level they map to but it would be nice to have the info.
Sorry about the long topic...