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SAU SA Club Member
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Everything posted by Rbware

  1. GTR intake pipe, replaced due to Trust upgrade. Fit an R32 GTR. Rare(ish) Price : $ 130 ONO Pics :
  2. KN Filters on to Z32 attachments. All custom made to fit the Z32 AFM Price : $150 ONO Pics :
  3. Great time , wil keep an eye on it .
  4. It is now making 307kW at ALL FOURS on only 16 PSI! ....High numbers for 16psi well done
  5. welcome aboard mate
  6. Yes i dont think we need to have all the stats on the model maybe just the car that is in front of them
  7. No it not just turn up with your form and i will help you to set your car up.Shane
  8. For the sunday show if you have not sent your forms in yet thats ok you can do it on the day no prob's more Skylines the better
  9. Its not to late do it today i think we have 2 spots left
  10. Yes that ok
  11. I will be there from 9am so ppl can come anytime friday and i will help them set up
  12. Yes we do Luke but it may affect the National's a little
  13. Just a note .... That is the same weekend as EHP show in Adel next year.
  14. Sounds good i will be there.
  15. The executive of SAUSA would like to thank all the SAUSA members that attended the riverland car show. Special thanks go to Ben (Dohmar) for his organisational skills and breakfast cooking skills under the most difficult of conditions mainly... the other members Hope that all member that attended the show enjoyed themselves. Shane (pres).
  16. Well my R32 Gtr got knocked back aswell there wont be a second time .
  17. No scs this year........
  18. No he is going for the show, 830am is ok that will give you 1 hour or so to get the car ready
  19. Send the form in with the full amount and SAU-SA will give you the Discount on the weekend of the show.
  20. There is a section on the forms just for the sunday Show so fill that part out and mail it in we should have some numbers by the end of the week, and you will have to send in the money .
  21. No we would love to have you in the display Download the forms and add the SAU stand to them and send them in .Cheers S
  22. He is away but we will get back to you asap.S
  23. We have 4 cars forms atm but we need more cars for both parts of the show (inside & out ) So please can we have your names if you are going inside or outside on the Sunday
  24. I have a std set here in Adel . s 0411475779
  25. We have already done one of these and the is a new one on the way out very soon.
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