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Everything posted by cooks44

  1. Shit - it's an Optus box.... Looking at Inasnt's pics I thought it came with its own mini dyno! Can you get them anywhere locally?
  2. I would've thought the Sensation Whitening would do a better job?!?
  3. Question, can you use an FTP site for sigs? I tried... didn't like me. Just showed the URL for my FTP site
  4. If you want more distance, get some that can use the various repeaters around. They can extend the distance a fair way - we used to get from Dandy area to Melton on a good day (roughly 50-60kms). I've been looking at some Icom units, but they are fairly expensive... About the size of my current Nokia, so nice & easy to carry. They can also work at full power (5W) so a good 25km can be reached without a repeater. About $360-$400 last time I looked.
  5. You shouldn't have any trouble with the FM band, that's the same as far as I've seen. The AM band wont work though, they have a 10kHz spacing between tuning points, we have 9kHz. Depends on what you want to listen to I guess! Some digital stereos can be reprogrammed to suit the different specifications, not sure which ones (but generally high-end).
  6. I remember seeing those plates around the S.E. suburbs myself... don't remember anymore details on the car though. Will keep an eye out. I'll put my name down for the lynching mob too! People stress when they see a 6'4" guy step out of his Skyline...
  7. cooks44


    There are a fair few 'lines in the street now, yup the silver 4 door, Mr. HKS, another round the corner (could be your cousin...) Now an importer has opened in the street as well - it's performance heaven! Had a whole group of us doing "synchronised driving" down Cheltenham Rd last night - was half wondering if it was any of you guys! Mine was the black, dead stock GTS-T if it was any of you by the way!
  8. A lot of flip down units use a "flex" (thin plastic strip with wire traces through it and bare terminals on ends) to connect the face to the main unit. Wondering if this is what the repairer meant by a "band"?? Some of these flexes are prone to breaking after being bent back and forth many times. Could be the ground wire for the buttons inside this that's broken? I can imagine Kenwood would charge $70-$80 for this part, spares are usually extremely overpriced considering it would be a $0.02 part... Factor in labour and that price would sound about right. If you've got any friends with some electronic nous and a multimeter you may be able to check the continuity of these wires and see if one is broken. A short length of $0.20 wire and some soldering may be able to fix it!
  9. Have you got an A/M zorst? I've got a similar rattle in mine, turns out it was just the bracket on my Apexi N1 rubbing against the factory rear exhaust mount. I shift the rubber hangers around until the mounts have a bit of distance between them and it's fine for 4-5 weeks. Then it's time to move them again.
  10. cooks44


    I see that HKS one every day... whoever it is works up the street from me. If whoever it is is reading this... stop checking out my car - my work colleagues keep getting suss thinking they're getting ready for a midnight special...
  11. Hi All, Tried searching for this one but couldn't come up with anything! I'm trying to fit in a 2 cubic foot subwoofer box in the boot, behind all existing finishing panels, etc. Next to the battery at the moment is a space of almost 1 cubic foot... the rest of the box will be fibreglassed around the right-hand strut tower, etc. What I want to do is shift the battery holder as far to the left as possible to give me the maximum amount of room to play with. From factory it is bolted in between the ribs in the boot floor, it looks like I can shift it over "one rib" to the left. Has anyone tried this? Are there any fuel lines, cables, etc behind that floor panelling that I'll have to move before drilling? Thanks for any help you can provide! Cooks44.
  12. Shit, I'd be happy to go for a cruise anywhere - I'm still yet to catch up with all you guys! Haven't been to Skyhigh since they started closing the gates at night - much better going there after dark! Skyhigh would be a bit warmer than Heathcote anyway (was up there last weekend - it was about 1°!) My only prob is having too many other commitments.... aaargh! ill make it one day...
  13. You didn't hear this from me, but beware the Infinity's!!! I have a lot of inside information with these, don't want to say too much cos' I'll get in trouble... (but since it's SAU I think I ought to let you know.) Much of Infinity's older stock (read 90%) has been returned to the distributor because the cones were not UV protected. If they were left in sunlight (grille off, or grille on on the parcel shelf) the cones literally shatter from the vibration. I have seen them last for six months, I have also seen them only last a week. This is true of both their Reference & Kappa series. The Kappa Perfects are ok (so far), they have an alloy cone (with a 100W RMS rating, they need it!) Notice I said the older stock, anything that is new (purchased from the distributor in the past two months) has had this problem fixed. If this does happen, you still have your 12 month warranty (they are being honoured of course!) Beyond this, I'd personally rate Infinity high range (anything other then subs) as "good", not excellent. Their subs are...crap. Voice coils waaaaay too small for what they're rated at, magnets too small... (I've outperformed even the Kappa Perfect sub both in quality & quantity, with a $6 sub in a $20 box!) If you want/need any more info, PM me.
  14. I wouldn't mind coming along if I can... Never been to a meet/cruise - dunno if this would be the best place to meet SAU members (distance) but it'd still be good fun! I'm always driving to my parents farm which is 10mins this side of Heathcote (was actually gonna have a look at the drags last time I was down there...no time.) Car's not modified, but wouldn't mind seeing what I can achieve before playing with things though.
  15. Only place I've found manufacturing date was on the rubber lines running from the brake master cyl. These are stamped, the last digits being that date. From memory mine had the month of manufacture as well (Sept. 93 seems to ring a bell), but I can't remember if the month was there or if I picked that up somewhere else! Hope it helps...
  16. Yup, I've found the same. Depending on where you live it changes. And of course age/driving record... Regarding kms with Famous, you have the option of insuring it as a "classic" car, in which case you do have the kms (and I think time) limits. Would bring the premium down accordingly. But mine's insured as a daily driver so I have no worries there. I do worry about the night time limit, but lately I've only been at work or home (hence I haven't made it to any cruises/meets...) It's primarily just a "park off-street" limit. Doesn't worry me, I always try to park my car off the street anyway.
  17. Haven't made any claims personally, I've only had my 'line for about 6 weeks.... been with Famous from the start. A friend of mine has made a claim, no probs, just friendly efficient service. They offer "free" windscreen replacement also, I've read in related threads that others have had no problem getting this, even through a different company then they are associated with (Novus). I was a little dubious at first myself, re the overseas underwriting, but during every step when getting my 'line (looking for vehicle, speaking to others, loan, etc) Famous was always brought up and given high marks for their excellent service. It's the only insurance company that has called me in the first few weeks to ask how my car was... nothing else, just to ask if I was happy! Very happy. Only thing you've gotta watch is tell them EVERYTHING (fmic, bov, 1,200rwkw...) and read the conditions. Only conditions I really have to worry about are that all drivers must be nominated on the policy and vehicle is not insured on the street between 10.30pm & 7am. (Must be in driveway or private car park.)
  18. "Famous Classic Car Insurance is underwritten by Heritage Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited, St. Peter Port, Guernsey" as at Feb 2003. (says so right here on my policy! England, from memory... ) Famous is an underwriting agency, I've heard & read (& had) very good reports on dealing with them. Currently paying $1600 for 23 y/o rat. 1 on '93 R33 GTS-T. See thread: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...&threadid=12142
  19. You didn't hear this from me... (or SAU or the manufacturer or anyone else, big disclaimer... I'm not game to test them on this one!) But: I work for Aerpro and we've heard along the grapevine that Vic police will allow neons inside a car if they don't flash. This EXCLUDES: washer LEDs, under-body kits, internal LEDs, big flashing dance lights, etc. In fact Vic police are pretty #^%ed off about the washer LEDs - they're the ones that they go after most of the time. Other states are different, I heard somewhere that the QLD police are fining people $200 plus three points if your neons aren't red?? You hear all sorts of stories... As Aerpro products are marketed internationally we can't say on the product what the legalities are for each state - it says on the product that the onus is on the purchaser to find the legalities in their state or territory, they are for off-street and display use only. Basically, any external light on a vehicle that doesn't meet ADRs (red for stop, clear for reverse, orange for indicators) is illegal and can be defected. It's up to the copper's discretion... So just be nice, smile & hope it's your neons that caught their eye, not the massive amount of boost that just flew past!
  20. No worries! If you're stuck, ask me before asking the auto stores... I should be able to get some. It's good working at an importers sometimes!
  21. Workshop from over Preston way I believe... One of my workmates has his 18psi Forester worked on over there. They do some nice work, had a few cars in the Auto Salons before.
  22. I work at Aerpro and we do have some black, textured ABS sheeting for cars - it is only 1-2mm thick though, meant for refacing the dash around stereos, etc. If you worked out a mount at the sides/rear you could finish it pretty nicely with this stuff. Aerpro Model no. 89009032, 432mm x 533mm. RRP is $39.90 though, fairly big sheet. Might be able to get offcuts if there is some out the back! Otherwise at Autobarn, Super Ch, Repco, JB, etc. Can get photo fo the texture if you want, or see following URL: http://www.aerpro.com/cgi-bin/product.cgi?...32&make=&model=
  23. cooks44

    Stock Wheels

    You should be able to get them re-rolled, mate of mine hit a pothole with his Simmons, cost him $125 to get it rolled and fixed. There should be a mag place around that will do it...
  24. Just saw some Philips Crystal Visions down at Bursons Moorabbin whilst getting some new plugs... I'm sure they said about $39 or something (although I was admiring all the other $$$pit items that I'd like to be adding - not the prices, so don't quote me!)
  25. Nick: cooks44 Name: Steve Car: Black R33 GTS25T Location: Hampton Pk/Dandy (home) Moorabbin/Cheltenham (work) I'll have to edit this and add a pic soon...
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