1. I didnt start that thread, it was someone elses..
2. Banning me wont get u far, as i can just register under a different nickname if I really wanted to..
3. Employers that log into this site, DONT have to OPEN the SFN thread as they know it containts SEMI NAKED female pics, ur saying I want to see these pics, but obviously they do to if they are the ones opening the thread in the first place.
4. Rezz opened a thread in the wasteland earlier about 'camels toes', isnt that just asking for it? I duno but to me thats just provoking the whole situation..
5. Ur being a real a$$ about this whole situation and need to grow up, im not being a smart arse, i made 1 mistake with posting an image from a porn site and u get all shitty about it, before this Ive always kept it clean and havnt posted anything slightly pornographic..