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Everything posted by Sean'O

  1. Knoxfield = Shibby!!!! ................. and lots of cops lol Sean'O
  2. nahhh no way, I would get the R32 for sure lol Yeah, thats exactly right, even if you are under the legal ratio, just for having a turbo you would get more interest from cops, again adding to my decision just to go NA I think I'll just wait till I'm off my P's before the dream car (R32 GTR Ohhhhh Yeah ), plus i just got a smick zorst on it , no way i'm selling it now till i have too lol Thanks again for clearing all this up for us mate, Regards, Sean'O
  3. , for shiz Ahh well, I got a GTS just to be sure these rules didn't stuff me around (cauz i new it was only a matter of time), otherwise i would have gone the turbo option. But to be honest i think my car has enough stick to keep me entertained...........for now Thanks for the info guys, Regards, Sean'O
  4. mad , ......ohh crap, now i have to watch it ahh well tired @ work tomorrow Cheers, Sean'O
  5. Gday mate, You can buy the spacers from Strathfield/ JB pretty much any "hi fi" store but the thing is to get spacers that allow the speaker magnets to pass through the holes in the parcel shelf I was going to go down this route, but i ended up getting a set of JBL 6.5" for the rear, simply cauz its a bit of a hastle with the 6 x 9" but everyone to their own eh You mentioned that you only just got the car? Well then I’m guessing your a bit hesitant pulling up the seats etc... If you pop over to the DIY section i have made a thread explaining how to install a sub in a 32, in there you can get an idea of the best way to get the rear seat out etc Anywayz, have a great Easter mate, and enjoy ya tunes!!! Regards, Sean'O Here is the link: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...&hl=install
  6. Hey all I have a bog stock R32 Exhaust for sale here are the details... Price (ballpark) : $100ish What: The item is a standard R32 exhaust system excluding the Cat, so this includes the exhaust manifold and all the other bits n' pieces (heat shield, muffler etc). It has come off an RB20DE Condition: Used but its in good nick Shipping: No, I would much prefer local pickup Location: Knoxfield, Victoria Contact details: My name is Sean, i would prefer you to send me a PM if your interested but my e-mail is [email protected] Pics: Here a some below, if you want more detailed pics i can organise that or if you want to come round and have a look i'll PM you my details http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000932.jpg http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000933.jpg http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000934.jpg http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000935.jpg http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000936.jpg http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000937.jpg http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000938.jpg Thanks everyone, Regards, Sean'O ohh ps: I'm on a holiday over Easter so forgive me if I don't get back to ya till Tuesday'ish
  7. Well spotted lol , nahh for sure i noticed that too... the welding on the extractors is pretty beefy, i guess the washer thingo's were just a little too big, but yeah, its on my "list" lol Having an absolute blast with the car atm, it has totally chaged the whole "feel" of the car.....not sure if that makes sense, but i think you get the gist. But yeah, no drone at all, its bloody fantastic, the sound dies down at the perfect rev range, and then gets louder higher up, very very happy with how it worked out an update on the vids, well its already sunday lol, and my camera is dead cauz i went to auto salon last night, so i'll just have to see how we go, but dw, vids will get here eventually Hope everyones weekend is going great!!! Talk to ya laterz Sean'O
  8. ahahaha mate thats awesome lol I got some pics for everyone as promised. Sorry I took so long, i've been driving constantly and working in between so not much time for stuffin about eh here they are......... (i can get more specific ones if you are really curious but i think ya get the gist ) Ok, start from the engine bay, here is a pic of the extractors mounted http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000547.jpg next, here is a pic "looking down" where the old exhaust manifold used to be, quite a bit of room down there http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/P1000549.jpg Next, this is a pic of the pipes, all Mandrel, you can see the resonator too.... http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/Mandrell.jpg Lastly, here is the muffler http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q294/Stuz32/Muffler.jpg Overall i am very please with how it all came out. At the low rev range it has a very deep note (1k - 2.5k) Mid range its very quiet (3k - 4k'ish ), which is perfect for me because thats what i do on the Highway to work, i can put the windows up and barely hear it High end (4k +) it screams like an RB should So for me i really couldn't be happier!!....just perfect now i'm guessing most of you a wondering about 2 things, 1 - Heat from extractors 2 - Power difference ok, after taking the car for a very spirited drive up the Dandy's (Damm it sounded good by the way lol), after pulling over straight after, popped the bonnet to find the heat coming out of the bay was very normal, to be honest i would even say slightly less heat than the standard manifold. At first i was really worried that things would "melt" etc, but i think the HPC coating is doing its job beautifully. Now the power, in the low to mid range i couldn't really "feel" any difference, however higher up it does certainly pull much harder than it did prior to the exhaust. So yes, for me i can feel the difference. Next i'm guessing you want vids......well your gonna have to wait lol, sorry guys I might be able to work something out hopefully this weekend, so fingers crossed, Either way, i'll be putting them in this thread so just keep an eye on here and they will get there eventually Cheers, Regards, Sean'O
  9. Sounds good buddy, I'm probably gonna get a few sound clips and possibly some "in-car" driving shenanigans , i'll see if i can duct tape my camera to my passenger seat lol Actually i wasn't going to say anything.....but not that you mention it , i was thinking...."ahhhh ok, friends forever......what the hell" lol Anyways, yeah i'm pretty friggen excited, i'm about to boot down to the shop in the nxt 30 mins so wish me luck eh ohh when i get the car home i'm gonna clean out the AFM and re-set the ECU just for good measure, then its off to ge the car clean for some pics tonight in my secret industrial zone But for shizz, i'll put all of my vids and pics in this thread Talk to you l8ter brother, Regards, Sean'O
  10. Gday Gents its been a while eh , well I'm finally getting the whole exhaust done TODAY!! So far I've got the extractors, 2.25" custom mandrel bent piping, resonator, cat and an oval Magnaflow muffler.....so it should sound the shizzle I'm gonna pick the car up in about 2 hours or so....... i may be a while, but i will be posting lots of pics up for everyone to have a gander Once again, Eug your a champ!! Regards, Sean'O
  11. Sounds Good man, shoot us a sms when its all running sweet Sean'O
  12. You better show up at my place after man, I'm really keen to see how this little project worked out Stu Daddy
  13. ohhhhh booooo, Where were you guys lol, i went up to a whole group of guys and just asked "hey, who is from SAU" they were all pretty much "ahh i think your at the wrong cruz". They were all NS crew and a few Magna ppl, Meh, still had a fun time, but you guys better show nxt time :sorcerer: See ya soon, Sean'O
  14. Gday champ how are ya? Yeah i go to Swinny Uni, just finished my summer semester lol I've got a black R32 GTS, totally stock lol Yeah for shizz i'm down for a cruise, just give us heaps of notice lol What are you guys studying? I'm a second year BIT Stu
  15. Holy Crap , just put my sub to shame guys lol , Glad to see they came up so well Enjoy them guys, you deserve em' Sean'O
  16. ahh, I knew there was an easier way to do it, meh, it gave me a good days work anyway lol, Ohh and just for the record, i've had no problems what so ever with the install, so i'm pretty sure its on the money , Glad to be of assistance mate Thanks fellas, Sean'O
  17. mmmmmm......girl enthusiast, :back to reality: 18, 19 in march Cheers
  18. Hey mate, Any news about the turbo? your gonna have to swing by when its running properly , Sean
  19. lol, cheers mate
  20. Hey Melanie, You definitely deserve a hi five for the skyline......then a second for the bike , you are a very cool chick As for me, I’m an IT student at Swinburne in Hawthorn, I’ve had second thoughts here and there but I think I’ll stick with it, having that said, if it all goes to crap it’ll go back and do civil engineering lol catch, Sean'O
  21. Personally i would LOVE something to separate myself from the typical stereotype "P plate skyline driver = Hoon", so I’m up for a sticker, I would part with $50 for one easy , it can really make you depressed when cops pull you over and talk to you like you just got out of prison. But, I’m not so sure about the media side, they love this crap, stirring up the pot, and all this hoon stuff has added to the flames eh , hell seeing some of that fotage made me worry because its only a matter of time till a person is run over....or a whole crowd of people But yeah good idea I think, members of SAU should always try to make a good image for ourselves, cauz it will make our lives happier in the end, Sean'O
  22. dude that sucks, I know exactly how ya feel to be stabbed in the back, Don't worry, karma always has a funny way of getting people back , you just might not be there to enjoy it its sad but you know what they say, just turn the other cheek Sean'O
  23. I feel your pain, The bloke who lives across the road from me has a dirty big Patrol, and my best mate had his car parked outside my place (not opposite the driveway), lol I bet you can see what is coming , The d**khead didn't even look behind him and went straight into it, biggest dent I have ever seen and almost $3000 of insurance to get it fixed, btw he only had a tiny scratch on his bumper, typical But guess what, it gets better, the guy across the street is a cop , I felt bad for my mate, but the look on my neighbors face was priceless. But yeah, sorry to hear about your car man, but at least he has insurance eh, could have been much worse, hope it works out ok Regards, Sean
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