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Everything posted by R DIRTY 3

  1. Why did you contact them if you didnt want them to do anything?
  2. Which of these happened in this case? None? So the problem is? I can understand being pissed off and i probably wouldnt go back to the shop. Would i tarnish the company on forums? No. Would i contact consumer affairs? Well, i have several other way to entertain myself. Consumer affairs will tell you everything you want to hear and then do nothing as there is no evidence.....your RSM is not evidence. Unless you have a full GPS Data logger to show dates, times and locations, then you technically have nothing in a court of law. However, feel free to keep us updated
  3. 2km, 80 kph....Meh. Im sure you have done a lot worse to the car then they did. Sounds like they may have just used it to pick up a part or something like that. I agree that they should have sought your permission and so on, but at the end of the day, no harm was done.
  4. This is not surprising. There are old 2 types of cats that pass this test. OEM and Kosteckis Cats lol
  5. I was wrong? Wow, never thought id see that day lol
  6. Yes Grey area. As for not seeling thme due to legality....no way!! Id say 90% of what they sell would be illegal due to sizes for the application, width etc etc
  7. Allan is spelt ALLAN...not Allen.
  8. If you fell in to the pit, who would know if you couldnt see the pit?
  9. You sure you were on the freeway and not west coast drive?
  10. I would doubt it. He is mainly a commodore workshop. But i could be wrong
  11. Your so easy!
  12. Tristan, You will probably get alot of those comments. DO a very quick scan through this forum and you will find 5 or 6 threads complaining about getting yellow stickers etc....hence Karls 'useful' comment p.s. Karl was dropped at birth so its not his fault...he is just a 'special bogan'
  13. Awww you really think so? Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you at one of the events coming up
  14. Pick an inspection centre and go there. They are all much of a muchness. As in every other thread you would have found in your search, some guys prefer one centre, others prefer another centre etc etc etc. You wont get a FIRM answer here. My suggestion is make sure everything on your car is passable (BOV, ride height etc) and make sure everything works (headlights, horn, brake lights etc) , give the car a clean up and make it look respectable. Then, go to the pit closest to you and good luck to you. Cheers
  15. No rose joints are allowed due to their failure rate. Cheap shit can break pretty quick on a big enough bump. No arms etc are allowed to have threaded adjustments (other than steering rack ends) Reason being it is meant to make a weak point. This is one reason manufacturers only give adjustment via eccentic cam bolts...which gives very little adjustment mostly. Height adjustable suspensions (Coilovers) can be passed legally. However, they will pick them IF the body of the shock absorber is height adjustable (Such as D2, G4 and others). If only the spring seat is adjustable such as the Tein SuperStreet then it can be passed. However a new rule that seems to have come in that if the vehicle can be lowered lower than the legal limit or 100mm ground clearance, then it can be failed. There are ways around this though to keep the coilovers in, and make them so they can not be lowered lower than legal height.
  16. Talk to Keith (MR KEETS) as he is sourcing these now as well. I think he has found somewhere to get them at a fair and reasonable cost. Good Luck!
  17. It is our old building....i miss that place LOL
  18. Northside Nissan
  19. I would give you a diff to put back in their...thats easy! Might drop out to the next autotest and have a look see. When is it?
  20. Dude, nah! Dont sell it. She it and bring it out again when your ready to race again. IF you do sell it with the intention of a Stagea for a track car, rethink that LOL p.s. IF you have to sell her, im happy to do a deal on the diff as i want it...ill keep the memory or cherry red alive! Kinda like an organ donour if you will
  21. Ive seen this. But Paul wasnt naked, he was wearing a jumper.
  22. Oh wow. Awesome choice! lol
  23. HAHAHA Great thread, will read again! Seriously though, get to age 25 where you have matured...then buy a skyline!
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