Scott, yeah ill change that to team 'Wang Pump' for you.
p.s. i used your account at Bob at the store said it would be fine, however your $1900 over due at 90 days
Tom, glad to hear that an investment of $27.50 has made you this happy.
In fact, i might go buy some hinges tomorrow and see if i get the same satisfaction.
ha ha ha
Good luck with that princess
Mike, not sure if Paul will race. He made a substancial financial offer for my service, but i had to decline it as my karting loyal lies with you. (how special do you feel now?)
I wouldnt worry too much about the weight factor.
I am about 75kg and Mike is about 110ish? and when we raced his lap time was slower than mine by about 0.1 of a second.
Basically there has been no set rule on it, but as you are a member, if you want to race with one of your family or mates or something, that will be fine by me.
If you have never been challenged on the track before, why not also enter the AUtotest event i have running? THere should be some good compeition there for you
Pauls will be avail as a second hand set as of Monday. I think he wants $1400 as they have done like 2000km.
You can have them at the end of the MC Season
But seriously, its good value and if you supply the beer, ill come down and help fit them
Gav, convert to an auto transmission and this is not a decision you will need to make
btw, grats on your 2nd at MC, but you were a bit closer to me than i like so i am happy to help with your auto conversion