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Everything posted by R DIRTY 3

  1. $33 is the cost of them landed in Perth. I can arrange a courier to you for an extra $5.80 if you like. Depending on Suburb, it will probably be next day delivery. I work in Osborne park, and live in Ellenbrook for those that want to pick up.
  2. Ill be getting another aswell....so thats 9 total at the moment.
  3. Yes it has hicas...unless it has been taken out. Look for where the rear steering rack would be. If there is an electrical motor towards the middle, then you have it. If no motor, then you dont.
  4. A previous thread has shown some interest in Fire Extinguishers. I have worked out a deal with a guy i get my racing stuff from. We have orgainised a deal for SAUWA. The deal is a 1kg Fire Extinguisher with 2 bolt mounting bracket for $33 each (Incl GST). I think they retail normally for about $55 (I have seem them cheaper for around $45 but i still think this is a good deal). These will be CAMS approved and meet Australian Standards etc etc....there is nothing dodgy about them, they are the real deal. The only condition that has been put to me to get this price is an order of at least 25 must be met. I dont think this is unrealistic as many SAUWA members dont already have one. Even if you dont race your car, a $33 insurance policy seems a smart thing to me. It could very well save your car! If you would like to post your interest in this thread, I will tally up the interest next sunday and see how we go for numbers. From there i will post payment details as payment is required before the order is placed. From the date of order, delivery to me is approximately 1 week. Its up to you guys weather this goes ahead or not. So if your interested, register your interest (and how many you want if more than 1) and ill get things started Cheers Brad
  5. Probably? You cant confirm this at all? Call him or something?
  6. He is more of a "break the mirror off" kinda dude! Panel damage is a different league. Sorry to hear about your car. Thats why i hate parking mine in carparks. You would think that 99% of people at the convention centre were there for auto salon. It would be assumed they are car enthuthiasts and would not do this sort of thing. Its a let down to people in general!
  7. +1 for Dan LOL
  8. I think his is 32BNR.
  9. Congrats on getting another year older, and hopefully another year wiser!
  10. Thanks. I like it. Due for a change soon though
  11. HA HA i thought the suggestion might have been a waste of time LOL Ill post some pricing etc on a thread tomorrow evening. Ill make sure i get the type with bracket....no good other wise.
  12. Cool. Ill talk to a guy i know on monday, get some pricing togther and start a thread on it. Hopefully i can get them cheap if i buy a large quantity.
  13. If enough interest, i could organise a group buy for 1kg fire extinguishers at a good price? I will look in to it next week and see if i can get a really good deal!
  14. This is why my Skyline has a fire extinguisher in it. Hope i never need it but when you see this sort of thing, the $45 insurance policy seems smart. Everyone should have one just in case.
  15. R DIRTY 3


    Lycra is always a good look.....if your into that of course.....which im not!!!
  16. OUCH!!!! Sad sad day. I really hope it was insured Dont know who it was...but looks like Tonkin Hwy and Benara road.
  17. Happy Birthday Liz. Have a great day!!!! Cheers Brad.
  18. I already have roles to do Saturday and Sunday. Good luck
  19. EXACTLY!!!! I attend every NoLimitEvents night at Barbagallo (not as a driver, I assist with the smooth running of the event) and have done for a few months. We could easily run twice the amounts of cars that we get!!!! I say if you want to show how good you are to your mates, get your car down there and get it timed. Compare your times and obviously, the fastest lap time is the better car/driver....and as a bonus you can do over 150 kph with out the risk of losing your car for 48 hours....no kerbs or trees to hit! Seems like a no brainer to me.
  20. R DIRTY 3


    Anyone get 2 spares tickets that like to offload my way???
  21. I guess it goes to show that if you look after it with regular maintenance etc they can go for many years! Series2 33 GTST. Bought May 06 @ 63000km. Now has 93000 on it running higher boost etc... No problems as yet.
  22. R DIRTY 3

    A Duck

    This could be the end of Duck Season Quack
  23. Im sure there is just as many falcadore and commonwhore drivers being hoons too. In every club/culture/instituion etc there is a minority that will do the wrong thing. Even the police force...thats why they have internal affairs etc. It cant be stopped and the public will always brand the whole group the same! Just have to live with it and move on.
  24. I think some needs a hug
  25. R DIRTY 3

    A Duck

    Ha ha did not notice that, so had to reply to check it out. I think it was worth it. QUACK How many pages can this go for? Surely it cant go on much longer QUACK QUACK
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