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Everything posted by R DIRTY 3

  1. 1 spot open! Who wants it? LEt me know ASAP!
  2. Talon88. Need you to contact me ASAP.
  3. Probably a good way of looking at it to. This is pretty much what ive done. At the end of the day, no one is hurt!.
  4. The WOFTAM Police force of Western Australia will do f**k all to help you. I think they are too busy eating donuts. As for having a witness....no help either. I caught the flamin mongrel the threw a rock at my car, we had a random witness who saw everything and Identified the kid that did and the cops still did nothing. So you were probably justified in hoping they would crash (and preferably die)
  5. My hilux got hit New bonnet required My boss's Skyline is f**ked. Pretty much every panel is damaged, windscreen cracked, rear wing damage. Will be a write off. (As will his Fairlane, Corallo and BA Ute.)
  6. Ummm no. Your either in or your out mate. Book the spot and pay for it....or not entered.
  7. Are you in or not?
  8. Have just rung the station and asked what was happening. There is no video footage from a near by business that that thought might exist so there is no 'evidence'. When i asked why they were not pursing with the kid that was identified by the independant witness, i was told that "The kids we have caught were not involved in the rock throwing incident". I asked how they knew this and was told that 'the kids said they were no where near the area at the time'. I can understand why they would take the word of 6 drug f**ked, drunk teenagers! Seriously pissed off.... Just lost a lot of respect for the police. Lazy f**kers!
  9. LOL Will be a similar sort of thing lol
  10. Also, how much effort would they put in IF it was the policeman's wife and kid who the rock was thrown at? Tony, i agree drinking way too much is all part of growing up and i accept that....but throwing rocks at cars which can and has killed in the past....that is way over a line. TenFour....."Quite the angel aren't I?".....you can lie to your parents, but dont lie to us mate LOL
  11. +1 ! lol
  12. You sound like you know what your talking about.....otherwise thats some awesome bullshit you just spun lol But seriously, that sounds very true and i do not doubt you for 1 minute.
  13. Are the thin standard metal guards that structual? I reckon you should be able to get passed. Interested to see the outcome. Keep us posted
  14. Kids have no respect for their elders these days. When i was younger i was certainly no angel (I know that might be hard to believe but its true) but we were certainly taught respect and manners.
  15. Why does a child need to be out roaming the streets when its dark? They are roaming the streets coz they have nothing to do....so they make their own fun which is normally someone else problem....basically, they will get up to no good.
  16. Both. Some were 14 and some were 15. Thats what they told us anyway. 1 of the guys was extremely scared of his parents finding out so he was quite happy to tell us what ever we asked. lol
  17. Surprisingly, i have a large amount of respect for police. They have a shit job to do, but someon has to do it. I always treat them with respect, talk to them politely etc etc. I was hoping that by following the correct procedures would infact serve some justice in which their parents would find out, and maybe even be responsible for the damage repair bill. (Would the parents start caring if it cost them money out of their pocket). I guess the biggest mistake i made here was relying on the system to work as everything was pretty black and white. Akll details were crystal clear. We knew exactly who threw the rock....even had an independant witness see and tell the police exactly what she saw. Go back and look at the sign they were hiding behind...foot prints....match it to the kid we are pointing out. How there was any doubt is beyond me. Just seems that police work is just too hard for the police these days? Next time (and i hope there isnt one)...i will do it differently.
  18. 14 to 15.
  19. They shit them self when 2 guys came running out at them LOL Giving a kid a bit of a rough up is no longer 'discipline'...its assault, if not child abuse so you will find alot of do gooder groups would instantly get involved and you will get in a lot of trouble. Not worth the risk.
  20. SOmething similar happened in the past which is what Mike was refering to. Had the rock hit just 1" lower it could have easily come through the window and hit Jazz sqaure in the head. Who knows what would result then. Dont even want to think about it
  21. Police in the area have put in local papers etc that kids throwing rocks at cars is happening and we should be careful when approaching certain areas and any one with info should contact police as they need help to catch them and stop it from happening. So, i caught them! How much more help do they want? Charge them!!!!
  22. Tell them you cant go. Easy really.
  23. Even give them all a fine for their drinking.....at a minimum, notify the parents!!!! Crackfox, while we did not see the kid throw the rock directly, we are 100% certain who it was as we chased tyhem, plus the witness. Tony..."Anyway there is a lack of consequences for kids in our society nowadays. It has lots of causes I guess: Police, parents, lack of community, soft liberal do-gooders etc." 100% correct!!!!
  24. Mike, I rang them. Office is dclosed. Will again tomorrow
  25. We did see him....we chased him initially through the bush area. 4 people in my car plus an independant. So 5 witness's is not enough?? I understand it may well get thrown out of court for what ever reason.....but what lesson did that kid go away with last night? "If you get caught, say you didnt do it and youll be let go'. Question: Where are the f**king parents??? Make them responsible for their kids actions if they let them roam the streets unsupervised at that time of night. I have a 14 year old son...i know where he is 24/7. Its called taking responsibillity.
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