hey guys, havent been on here for awhile, few issues have arisen.
but neway, just wanted to say hi, al you still around mate?
on a more enthusiast note, anyone around my area ( delahey ) notice an excess of cops defecting cars lately?
i got done about 2 weeks back and have started seeing those devilish yellow stickers on imports left right n centre here.
defected for having pod and fmic, yeh ok and get this handbreak went upto far plus tires were bald, got off e-z, no fine just get it fixed up.
but the best bit of the story is getting the defect clear, i go vic roads they inspect the car n go remove pod filter n replace with air box, whats that.
i couldnt believe it.
anyway thought id share that and use it as my " hi im back guys "
p.s what happen to dezz?