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Everything posted by GTR1993

  1. if you put your foot ont he clutch does the rattle go away? If so its most probably the main bearing ont he input shaft, not good, but it will probably go for ages with it like that if you dont mind the noise.
  2. I dont think so, just because if i dont think i could fit another 3.8L into the transfer case, and it was coming out the breather of the gear box.
  3. Hi, i changed the gear box oil in my 32 gtr to the 'redline lightweight shock proof' smurf blood stuff. i drained out the old stuff and i filled the new stuff through the shifter as getting the filler out was going to be very difficult. Anyway i put the old oil in the redline contained and it looked pretty much as much as i put in (about 3.8L) i looked up the manual and it said use 4.1. Anyway i took it for a bit of a drive today and it has sprayed oil out the breather all over the gear box, it was driping a bit but not sure how much oil came out, it looks alot but its probably maby 100-200ml if that as its just spread over large area. I never seen any oil come out when the other oil was in it. Also i had a seaurch through the SAU forums and found 2 other people that had the same problem and they put in about the same amount of oil and people said it was too much. Has anyone else had this sort of problem? Thanks
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