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wokka wokka

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    The land that sleep forgot

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    200SX S14a

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  1. If anyone's interested, there is a different brand that does the same thing as Plastidip - http://www.spraymyride.com.au/ (I know a few people have used it on wheels and interior trim bits) Website is very basic, but the Facebook page has some pics of the car roof/wheels that have been done. Apparently it's about $20 a can (not sure what Plastidip is currently, around $30?). I'm going to grab one for some simple touch ups on my motorbike, so I'll see how it goes. This is run by a a mate I work with (and one of his friends). It's his car that has the roof and wheels sprayed in the facebook pics.
  2. I don't mind mandating safety clothing, but not high vis, how do you dye leather to be high vis? is just having a strip of reflective material enough, or do they want 100% dayglo? I have no ideas where a front plate would go on my bike, there is no surface that would take one. I note there is no mention of better training for car drivers, the ones that never check what's around them. You think training is a joke in Vic, when I got my licence in the UK it was worse (and probably still is). If you got your car licence before a certain date, you could just geton a 125 with L plates and ride off, having sat no written or practical test. I had a mate who could of done this, even though he didn't know which lever was the brake and which was the clutch, he sensibly did the 1 day intro course. I did my licence as a 4 day course, that you could only do if you were over 21 (us 22 year olds were obviously waaayyy more mature then a 20 year old back then). I did the 1 day course for the basics, then rode about 10 times on a mates 100 cc, did a 4 day course on a 500, passed my test and then had an unrestricted licence, no P plates, no power restrictions, just ride what I wanted. Looking back it sounds dangeraous as f...
  3. Yes, I know it's a week after the event, but I finally got round to going through my pics and sticking some up. I'm a slack bastard. So sue me. The full range is here, Import Monster DECA Motorkhana pics, but as there are about 190 of them, and I know some people have short attention spans, here's a few. Click pics below for bigger versions. How to correctly park in the stop garage - How to go through a garage... ...sideways... Going through sideways may mean your car then needs a cone-ectomy - and how to just say sod it and take the scenic route - Then there are those that like to blaze their own trail and sort free-form the whole thing - A few more that I liked...
  4. Managed to get my pics online - http://www.pbase.com/willstark/decaaug11 I'll stick a thread up tomorrow with some of my favourites. Now I've just to edit the vids from Ash's car.
  5. Damn, I would put up my photos from the day, but my hosting site (pbase) appears to be down. I'll try tomorrow, I've only got 196 to put online
  6. Another quick animation, this time of Aaron's slight garage miss....
  7. Miss? As in you're not in any? Which car, there can't be many I missed (working my way through about 198 that I'll put online, out of about 700).
  8. I can confirm that the option was investigated, the uphill bit was fine, but the downhill was bloody slow....
  9. Where was the grass slide? Long Wang? I have a series of photos of somebody taking the scenic route past the garage. Unfortunately for Jett, I not only have a picture of his impromptu hill climb event, I have a series of 9 pictures. I feel an animation may be produced later. I had a great day, fantastically run as always!
  10. Seems to have been more photographers than drivers at Sandown today.... Full gallery is at http://www.pbase.com/willstark/impreza_wrx_club__sandown_10_july_2011 My selection from today (very little post-processing, crop and levels on some of them). A couple of animations (sorry whoever the driver is).... Click pics for a bigger version...
  11. Quite often see the VW Transporter van around Williamstown (it seems to live at the local station) Its a Transporter 4Motion, whatever the kick arse engine they can get type. It's white, with black roof rack, but looks to clean and undamaged to be a tradies van Lights are behind one of the blacked out rear windows. I only know it's a cop van as I saw it going down the freeway qith the lights on.
  12. meh, I never look at the date of expiry on the sticker, I just wait until Vocroads sends me the new one, then pay. Of course that doesn't work if the idioots at vicroads haven't transfered your car into your name when you bought it. Apparently there was something they couldn't read on the form, so it goes into the too hard basket, and they don't tell anyone, not you or the previous owner. So if you buy a car and the y transfer it OK, you hear nothing, if they don't transfer it, you hear nothing. Brilliant. As I don't drive it much, I never thought about the rego, until I got pulled over (only 5 min from home), It's a nice big fine, but I was 10 months out of date, so it was pretty much the same as the years rego I'd missed. I just had to pay for a RWC to get new plates, which I got done as part of the sevice the car was booked in for. The broker we bought the car through sorted it all out for us (relocated car home, went to Vicroads etc), so I didn't have to do much.
  13. I'm sure he's got nothing to do with the trouble itself (and hope I didn't give that impression), I was just wondering if he still worked the Melbourne Supercar Club or not (I'm presuming it's the same company, how many supercar clubs could there be?)
  14. Haven't seen him for a while, but is James with this mob? http://theage.drive.com.au/motor-news/big-...00528-wibx.html
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