wokka wokka
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Everything posted by wokka wokka
That Zonda is unbelievably FUGLY!! Looka like rice for people with too much money
OK, Thanks to Kev for taping it, I've digitised the 1/2 hour show that showed the Dutton Rally coverage, and put it on youtube. It's in 3 parts, as youtube won't allow anything longer than 10 minutes. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - For you lazy sods that can't spare 21 minutes to watch all of that, I've edited it down to 2:57, basically just the bits with skylines, one rex, an Aston martin and a 180 SX in it -
The one about the UK DJ is true though - http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1436341.html It's even on wikipedia, so it must be true http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Shaw_(DJ)
Investigators aren't sure if the girls were wearing seatbelts, and witnesses are quoted as saying there was exessive speed. Another P-plater tragedy, there are far too many of them. As usual the driver only has minor injuries.
Subject has just been done on wrx.com.au as well http://www.wrx.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?t=44145 This website also has some discussion (admittedly about Rexes, but the general principle would be applicable to all turbos) http://www.msengineering.com.au/exhaustsystems.html
Picture the scene, a young guy drops his girlfriend off at her apartment building, and decides to try and impress her. He does this by demonstrating his drifting prowess around the car park. Unfortunately he drifts through the fence surrounding the car park. The 6th floor car park. The bumper remained hooked on the fence, and the rest of the car plunged onto a dumpster 6 floors below. The guy survived (so no Darwin award). http://www.11alive.com/news/article_news.aspx?storyid=99589
I have plenty of time... (or should that be bandwidth?)
The .44 revolver has a decent kick to it, but for really big you have to try an 0.50 IMI Desert Eagle, I tried it at a range in Cairns, very large gun, very heavy, ridiculous recoil. Half inch pistol ammo . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_Eagle The one I shot had the semi auto deactivated as the empties came out so fast so were bouncing off the side of the booth and hitting people in the head. (I target shoot as a hobby, but mainly air pistol)
Top pic looks like a CAR 15 (or close relative of the M16 family), bottom pic is an AK47 or clone.
From comparing the pictures, it looks like a C-West 'Front Half Spoiler (Zenki)', have a look at their website - http://www.c-westusa.com/aero/gda.asp
I think Ace phoned up before hand to check as well, not sure. Anyway, my pics are here (I put them on the Rex site the other day, but not here, 'cos I'm slack) http://www.pbase.com/willstark/heathcote230607 A few of my favourites (click for a bigger version): "Yes dear, of course I'll behave responsibly....."
6 pages of asorted lots, quite a few Nissan/Skyline bits (ignition/coil, radiators, body parts, interior stuff, tail lights and I haven't got past page 2 yet). http://www.graysonline.com.au/catalogue.as...SALE_TYPE=THUMB
8888 is a freaky number, just shows work isn't that fast though. But then 5 minutes later.....
Aus doesn't have any KC-130s (K as in Kerosene), but the yanks do. There were a few C-130s around on monday/tuesday, one flying out of Essendon (C-130H probably for the airshow), A C-130H that came into our Hangar to be modified and C-130J that bought some stuff down to us that we needed for the aircraft that had just been modified. I work out the hangar fairly often, it's the one closest the freeway ('Tenix' and a big red spalt on it, currently has a C-130H outside), and we often take care of visiting RAAF stuff (I think we are having a couple of F/A-18s parkesd outside as well soon). The RAAF VIP stuff comes through, so we've seen Johnie Howard.
Happy birthday from both of us mate! (not only does he have a great job, but he's 6 months younger than me, can he be anymore depressing?)
I could have, but i have enough trouble getting webpages around the work content filter as it is. If there's a page I really want to read at work, I have to use Torpark as it gets around the content filter, but I try not to use it as I don't want to get sprung bypassing the filter, using unapproved software etc. (I'm too impatient to wait until I get home)
There is no way James will fit in a GT40, I reckon he's way to tall. Squeezy herbs and supercars, same thing, you give both of them a squirt (sorry, terrible joke, but I couldn't resist). Well done you lucky child born out wedlock.
I'd like to see these guys try doing this on Aussie road surfaces..... Saudi Road Skating (2.4 MB WMV)
Here you go..... Not too exciting (ie no rice) but it holds loads of stuff. Side and back access make it really easy to get stuff in and out (doors flip up and are on gas struts). It may have a lot of subaru advertising on it, but that all brings in cash to keep the cost of the trailer down.
I'm not sure how much of a difference the ISO setting will make, that may just adjust the shutter speed required for a given aperture (the sensitivity, also how much noise you end up with). The camera will still try to meter (expose) for the whole scene, that's why I reckon try centre weighted metering, that way it may help with white cars, and also with black as it will be concentrating on the car. If try to underexpose all the time, dark cars won't come out so well, so I guess you'll just have to find a good mid point that works well enough most of the time (unless it's really quick to change stuff). Anyway, good luck, and if you find a set up that works post it up here and we can all learn what works in case we come across a similar problem.
Looks to me like the camera is metering the average for the whole frame, as the rest of your shot is perfectly exposed. but the white car is slightly overexposed (washed out, lack of detail). Not sure on the specs of you camera, but if you could change the way it meters that would be a good way to go (centre weighted, with the car in the centre of frame). Actually, have just read the specs you posted, and it seems it does Ealuative, Centre Weighted and Spot. Try the Centre Weighted, and even a couple of shots with Spot (though this really will meter according to one spot, and ignore the rest of the frame, so could be very hit and miss). Of course you'll have to keep the car in the centre, then just crop differently for different placements. Other than that, Genghis has a good idea with under exposing, then using Levels in photoshop (or masking off the car in seperate layer and adjusting just the levels of the car so that the background stays correctly exposed). I se from the specs that your camera can do -2 stops in 1/3 increments. Play around with -1/3, -2/3 and -1 stop (1 stop equals half the amount of light getting to the sensor). Bsically try a few shots with each method, and a few combining them, then see which comes up best. The Exif info stored with the picture should tell you what exposure setting you were on, and maybe even what metering method. The software that came with the camera should be able to show that info.
Ditto the above, though if you're really steady you may be able to handhold a bit slower shutter speeds, but when trying that take several shots of the same thing. (my digital SLR I can hand hold 1/4 sec on a moderately wide angle lens). Make yourself as stable as possible, two hands on camera, elbows into chest, look though the iewfinder (if it has one) so the camera resting against your head gives another point to keep it stable, if there's any pillars etc around they're good to lean against. Also does you camera have any settings, like portrait/night/landscape/indoor etc? I know my casio compact does in the menu system somewhere, if it does try a couple like indoor or low light/night.
It's Level 1 of 277 Williams Street (up the top, near flagstaff station) entrance is between the post office and the bank (Westpac?), opposite The Mint, which is a nice pub on the other corner. If you do go for look, for god's sake use the stairs, the amount of lazy sh!ts that take the lift one floor amazes me. The lifts in this building are crap at the best of times, by the time you wait for a lift, then the ice age like time it takes to crawl up a level, wait for a while and open the doors you could have walked up 3 times. (also the lifts have been stuck several times, dropped entire levels in freefall, and don't tend to stop level with the floor) In case you hadn't guessed, I work in the same building (Level 7 though, nothing to do with the speed camera guys, they are levels 1 to 6). While I'm thinking about it, if you pressed the Down button to call a lift, then one arrived but the 'down' light didn't come on above the lift, and the 'down' indicator on the call button is still lit, is it just me who would think it isn't my lift? I've seen people get in a lift on level 1 (even though there was no 'down' indications), then look really disgusted that other people have the audacity to want to go up in a lift is amazing. I don't bother pointing out I'm going up anymore, stuff them, if they can't figure out how a lift works then they deserve to have their time wasted. I don't tell them about indoor plumbing in case they can't grasp the concept. Yes I love sharing the building with the speed camera people (Tenix Solutions), especialy as their ID badges look the same as ours (Tenix Defence). I always take mine off before I get into the lift.
I'm not going to make it now, so scratch my original post.
...But luckily the police haven't found where he's hidden it yet Happy birthday, I would have said save me a bit of cake, but then I saw you eating it....