im running a Kakimoto turbo back exhaust with an extra muffler to reduce the droaning noise,plus it was a little annoying when getting home in the early morning.
i had 18 runs all night so i got some bad times aswell. its not as easy as you think!
its an awesome adrenalin rush (without stressing about cops impounding your car)
it was my first time so i wasnt sure how to drive the car. i was trying handbrake starts, which only burnt the clutch. so i tryed driving like i would on the road and thats how i got my best time.
i was revvving it to 4k and then letting the clutch go!!!
my worst time was a 14.4, so i was happy overall & my car had no problems with overheating or anything like that.
it actually feels like it runs better, but its probly my mind playing tricks