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Everything posted by Munkyb0y

  1. have you got the thermo fan that sits in front of the aircon radiator?
  2. they always say crap like that on top gear ^ very annoying, i agree "this car is perfect in every way, but on the other hand, this old rusty bicycle over here reminds me of my mother's sunday dinners. therefore i pick the bicycle"
  3. i think it was an option on the S1's. mine doesnt have lights in there either. caution: i remember reading that the plastic in these units isnt made to handle the heat of lights. so maybe use LEDs or soemthing small.
  4. was there a noticeable improvement? there's also this stuff, but it's gold http://www.mmsport.com.au/productview.php?...d=Heat_Products
  5. from what i've been able to find, the air apparently travels through the piping at such a high speed (10's of metres per second) that the effects of a hot pipe are minimal. the temps going in, as stated above ^, have a greater effect.
  6. what car are you painting? and why that colour?
  7. http://www.jarviscars.com.au/ford/bf-mkii-falcon/index.php scroll down to the colour chart. it's called breeze.
  8. what actual inlet temps did you see during the low speed, traffic driving? and what temps at 80kph+? how do these compare to the piping that's not heat soaked by radiator air? there's also that reflective stick on stuff. it's supposed to deflect alot of heat. this is another good idea. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...t&id=133021
  9. has anyone tried this on an R33? I'm about to replace my aircon fan, as mine is seized, and probably has been for some time. although the aircon is still quite good now to work out how to get the fan out without removing the fmic . i tried, but it doesnt look possible, so i unplugged it for the time being.
  10. +2 on the exhaust cat-back is what most people do, but DONT. get a full turbo-back system, with a good cat. you wont regret it.
  11. ^ thats a nice colour or...lambo orange. why is it that i hate red, but i like orange?
  12. a few years back i had a knock at the door. it was a cop who claimed to have seen me the day before doing something illegal on the road. i knew what he was talking about. he handed me a summons or fine ( i dont remember now) and i ended up in court. so unless the rules have changed, yes you can be booked without being pulled over.
  13. american muscle cars one of my favourites was the late 60's camaro
  14. the top intercooler pipe that runs past the radiator seems to get pretty hot. but then everything in the engine bay gets pretty hot. i never checked, but i assume even the stock coldside pipe would have warmed up quite a bit under there. so anyone who has bothered to heat wrap, or ceramic coat the pipe....did it make any difference? is it worth doing? or does the air pass through there so fast that its not affected? what about the guys with the stock cooler piping. after driving, does your cold side pipe feel hot?
  15. can you take a pic of inside the cooler, through the end tank outlet?
  16. i just took it to a guy i trust, and he went over it. took his time. probably spent about 8 hrs doing it, by hand, and buffer. using different grades of compound etc. he explained it all to me at the time. it doesnt remove all scratches, but it reduces them greatly.
  17. on black cars, all the small surface scratches will show up. usually swirls from buffing, or general washing/waxing. when the sun hits them at the right angle they look like spider webs shining all over the place. my car is black, and had pretty bad swirl marks when i got it. someone did a crap buff job on it. i got it buffed out at a panel shop that i trust to do good work, but no one could remove them entirely. although the strange reflections are just about gone now.
  18. damn damn straight bishes my mate had 18% on his ute, and it was still ok to see out of at night. I was considering getting 20% all round.
  19. well? did you get time yet? geeeeeeeeeez, talk about lazy. get off your (unknown size) ass, and get the pics up. I wanna see what the % transition looks like. It sounds like a good idea.
  20. cheers for the help ppls i moved the washer bottle to the side, and managed to get it out, and back in, using long nose pliers. here's my contribution to your thread the parker bulb type, and holder. R33
  21. it's still a piece of crap. looks MEXICAN to me.
  22. cool now can you tell me how to get the parkers out? i see a plug and a base. is the base supposed to turn and pull out? btw, the driver's side is very very spacious. i could fit at least 1 finger in there
  23. what a piece of crap. arent they made in mexico? if not, they look like they are
  24. what's 48%? 35% is legal. the darker they get, the lower the % of light that can pass through. ie. 5% is really dark. also, dont be fooled by the pics. white and light coloured cars make the tint look darker.
  25. no worries man. have you made sure your missfire isnt caused by your spark plugs? 0.8mm gap is highly recommended, although nissan specify 1.1mm and many people have found the copper plugs to be better than the platinums/iridiums, that are also recommended.
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