you lucky bastard with the temp that hot ur lucky nothing blew
mine ran hot once and blew the seals on the plastic radiator end tanks - goodbye radiator
the water pump is a c*** to get off cos of the crank pulley bolt. you will more than likely need a rattle gun to get this off
the water pump may not be dead, it my just be the seal, in which case pull the pump off, put new sealant around it (doesnt use a gasket) and put it back together
you can drive around with a leak BUT make sure u keep the system topped up
if it starts sucking air or depressurises it will overheat again and u may not be so lucky
take it to a mechanic and there are pressure tests you can do on the radiator so check for a leak/crack. you can also run a test to see if there are exh gases in the system (leaking head gasket) so you will be able to pin-point the problem
just finally, cooling systems are ****s to work on and fix, if youre going to repair it make sure u do it right cos its the kind of thing which if not done properly will cause alot of headaches