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adam 32

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Everything posted by adam 32

  1. nah i should be fine cos i tuck my shirt in and look 'neat' unlike dave lauren: yeh sim left about a year ago now and he runs Greeline Mtorsport with another guy i know jason small world eh!
  2. liz; dave had to see alana same old story so i had to go too. am just sleeping tonight - what a day!
  3. haha nice one lauren paul is gay and simon is my mate from school theyre both in sydney now, so that ship has sailed
  4. evenin all if anyone wants a picture of me - see avatar
  5. adam 32


    yeh its an AFC for v-tec engines send it back
  6. ive got a series 1 AFC for $160 still in box with english instructions
  7. rev210: do u mean theres a more suitable option? greg: im planning on doin mine tomorrow, will write up some instructions afterwards and if u get stuck i can give ya a hand
  8. ive done a search and havent found anything... from memory its a ryco z201 - can anyone confirm this?
  9. so no-ones had any experience with 'suspension man'? im tempted to go to wilkinsons despite the drive cos apparntly they know what theyre doing
  10. i need to get my castor and tie-rod end bushes replaced and i know i should go to wilkinsons or WA suspensions but im working for the next 3 weeks in welshpool and right down the road is "Suspension Man" is this a difficult job? should i take an hour off work to get out to wilkinsons or could i just use the suspension man down the road??
  11. how longs it been so far?
  12. hey micko u got the turbos yet?
  13. haha yeh david brent is a hero of mine
  14. liz u there?
  15. go to york on ur way up! has a wicked pub crawl on the weekend nights!!
  16. russ: sent ya a PM a couple of days ago... did u get it?
  17. will give u $200 for the truck core
  18. what colour is the front bar?
  19. AFMs are temperature sensitive
  20. anyway mate gottah run hope u enjoy scotland - cya when u get back later
  21. TVR factory in birmingham? thats pretty cool itd be half-decent weather over there as well! you mooching off your family or being a real tourist?
  22. ooo nasty haha where have u been so far?
  23. dont u have a low compression engine though? id be more worried about that at this stage
  24. $2000 + once its fitted and tuned it depends what your goals are... how much power do you want to make out of the car in the long run?
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