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Super Drager

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    Nissan 300ZX Z32 / FGX XR8
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  1. Pulsar turbos are fairly reliable, i've ran mine for years now and haven't had any issue. Edit: just noticed its an old thread, sorry!
  2. Mate i've used PSR turbos for years now and have never had an issue with them, the wheels measure the same as the real thing and i've seen them make the exact same power on the dyno pretty much back to back. Its upto you whether you'd want to spend the extra cash.
  3. Just get a spacer if you're worried.
  4. Listen to whatever the tuner/engine builder says. In my opinion For run in? 15psi is fine. For an actual tune? I'd look elsewhere. A large turbo with a decent sized hotside and more than likely aggressive camshafts all to keep it at a 2:1PR and on 98ron? I wouldn't even bother building such a setup for that.
  5. Actually Tao, Prabaths 300ZX did 940rwhp on Trents dyno maxing out the torque at 1200nm.
  6. Pulsar turbos make power and spool exactly the same as their garrett counterparts.
  7. Best bet is to check some US forums, i know a lot of mustang guys run bigger pulsar turbos and have good results.
  8. Lol R&R my r33 did that on the stock ecu too. Turn the boost down or get an aftermarket ecu.
  9. Better tuner will though 😆
  10. Get the pulsar turbo or a hypergear turbo.
  11. Mate i wouldn't bother any further, they seem content not to listen to first hand experience so there's no reason to continue trying to explain anything.
  12. As i said, if you don't want one then don't buy one. If you think a theoretical miniscule variation in weight of the compressor or turbine wheel is worth paying triple what i paid for mine then more power to you. I'm more than happy with my poor-mans turbo. What i find funny is that people on her wank over mamba/kinugawa but when another (much better) turbo comes along you won't even take someones positive feedback on it.
  13. I cant say for my setup as im running mine in a compound setup and rear mounted. However a friends xr6t has gone from a gcg gtx35 to a pulsar and its exactly the same power and spool wise.
  14. Lol mate ive had it apart and the specs match the real thing. If you don't want one then don't buy one, i'm giving first hand experience since i own one.
  15. Old thread, But i run a Pulsar GTX3584RS GenII. Great quality and works just fine.
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