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Everything posted by SIKLINE

  1. Yeh had mine done when i bought it. dirty hole cost me $100. it pretty big. result no hole however did sink a bit after a while and is a little shinier than the rest of the dash. at night you can't even tell!!! Don't you hate the little annoying things
  2. Heya. When i got my car, came with this kit (or 1/2 of one anyways). do you know what it is or.......
  3. your lucky......i was driving to a club and some mates started to annoy the guy next to me. then the mate next to me toots my horn and the now very pissed asian audi driver looks over. i thought i'd just let him go and just avoid the conflict anyway the guy never moved for around 10 secs i stayed waiting tfor him to move. i had to go the traffic behind were getting on the horn as you would. so i left.... by the time he had got to the other side of the four way intersection he had taken a swip at the car, swirving at me. luckily i took the bomb instead of the sky. but i had a car load so i was still fretting. next he cuts infront and slams on his brakes. i locked all four in aviodance and didn't know what he'd do next. stupidly i dropped it down two gears and speed off cutting two lanes to the far right. got caught at the next lights. he could have been closer to my ass. anyway as soon as we stopped he jumps out and the next thing i know i have glass on my lap and he is laying into my passenger........... moral of the story. if your mates wanna be dicks and piss people off on the road drive thier car.


    yeah a bit hot headed last night....take everything back. thanks for the response to COP TROUBLE, spose ill see ya on the street in something cool like a swift

    Cop Trouble?

    Yeah bit in the moment last night. Won't cry anymore.... take everything back and suppose ill see ya on the street in something cool like a swift. lol thanks for the response though (to COP TROUBLE) see ya

    Cop Trouble?

    Well either I just have the worst luck or the police in Vic are just bored. I bought an R33 GTST S2 about 4 months ago. since then I have been stopped 8 TIMES!!! the car is dead stock apart from a pod. What is really driving me crazy is that I'm am never doing anything Wrong. Twice they have approached me in a carpark.....(can they do that?). Today was the worst, Driving back from the city. Pulled up.... Got the once over and Left with a $120 fine. WASN'T SPEEDING, WASN'T HOONING. no points were taken. WTF Please Guys, All you 'p'platers, please tell me, Do you get this much abuse?
  7. The R33 come with a clear switch that lets you fold them in....
  8. heya, i have a r33 s2 and i find that opimax runs far better in my car....have done a lot of shopping around and yeah shell was best. but yeah most peolpe have have spoken too have said that they won't touch it coz of the dirty fuel episode. hasn't happened to me and thats all i put in
  9. heya, bought mine for 17,490 from a dealer. A few mate shopped around for a while and found one for 15,000. i got screwed... but the car goes like clockwork so still happy
  10. I value your opinion but i don't think that she is that ''sick''. i think that i have actually burnt the remainder of the crap fuel that the dealer chucked in. it doesn't surge at 5000rpm anymore. but yeah the idle is driving me up the wall. the thing is i don't know if the rpm gauge is misreading or if the car is perfect and i am just being a little to sensitive. Last night however i was at some lights and, being melbourne (cold), i turn the climate control on and the car went fine. couldn't even tell if it was on or not. no vibration. WTF.
  11. yeah it has, or should have. i am the first ozzy owner and just assumed that it would have had to have been done for complience. I also sent it for an racv check up and they never mentioned it. its on 90000km so do you think i should wait for the major service or be worth doing sooner?? soz to sound dumb.
  12. hey, I bought a 33 bout a month a go and have had this rough idling issue. the car is 100% stock. It only seems to do it once it has reached normal running temperature. I have also noticed a ticking noise (also at idle) should I worry or is it normal coming up to 100k (on 90k at the moment)?
  13. hey. Don't mean to sound stupid, 'wat the hell is HIcas?
  14. i bought my car with the full m type kit except it came with this wierd rear bar. i was going to take it off but it grown on me. you haven't come across anything like this one by any chance..... What is it???
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