so this page refers to the legality of "blue" lights aka xeon or A/C powered balast type head lamps...
just incase you put some in and this is why you want to adjust them down...
and this page is the head lamp "road worthy" bit your looking for...
and i quote "The lights must be adjusted to comply with Rules 81, 82 and 83 of the Australian Vehicle Standards Rules 1999"
so click on this second link and then hit find, rule 81 and go from there...
in short, low beams need to light up 25 metres in front of the car, so you may have to use the road and a long measuring tape to get it right...
I cant seem to find the old chart i had from tafe showing the height up a wall and distance back from wall, I think it was 3 metres from wall to headlamps and they need to shine 1m high...
As in the tops of the lights need to shine no higher than 1m up the wall at a 3m distance, make sence?
Just use the road and measure up 25m if unsure...