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Everything posted by SEXMACHINE

  1. 2x yellow GT-T's - Surely theres gotta be other yellow fellows?
  2. Nuhhh man.....maybe its a different one dude. **shrugs**
  3. i think id rather pay a bit more to get something a little more shmick like... [uB6IB9] its worth it
  4. sniffy, its generally, no amount of mulla can change it, its a ****ed up licence plate law in victoria.....i dunno why this state is so farked up when it comes to plates.... MzDefected FNYCNT ....i think its taken
  5. lol keep em cumming, some of these are very creative...i would of never dreamed em up, and no Sniffy i dont have elephantitis im just a naturaly gifted child
  6. Arghhh thats farked.... I didnt think SEXMACHINE was all that offensive and yes SS8_Gohan i like near Hampton so thats me you would of seen around there a lot.
  7. No problems champ! Im glad to see that your not letting a ***wits "who aparently knows nothing" opinion affect your anger ....Oh wait...."To Late". And for your information i didnt bag the car, i baged the paint job get it right. I think you should go crawl back under Conroys sheets (No ofence to Conroy)
  8. Thanx FUNKYMONKEY (nice to feel welcome) LOL @ predetor i like that $hit man, but we can only go as far as 6 letters in Victoria .....
  9. Hrmmm your probably rite......well....any sugestions lemme know man....I'll be glad to change the poll!
  10. For those of you were wondering, i thought i better set the record straight on a few things, people have been asking who owns "JETR34". That would be my partner in crime/cuz "Ibi" not "Bibi" f@ck sake leaste get his name right . The car is not owned by Suborn, but Suborn will be making a few alterations in the future "Hopefully" Im pretty sure if you live around the south-east suburbs of Melbourne you have at leaste one or more times seen these yellow monstor R34 GT-T's either fly by you or skate sideways round corners almost kissing gutters....if you havent? give us time were not perfect you know :uh-huh: . Also another thing my plates [RYL063] are kinda boring me, but if i wait around till [sEXMACHINE] will fit legaly on a plate my balls will be scraping the floor.....so im going to let you take a vote and discuss amoungst yourselfs what you think it should be....this will be the peoples R34 lol (but dont get me wrong when i say the peoples i mean mine). PICS......Bumper was off at the time! http://www.geocities.com/skyline_homepage/index.html Note: Page is no where near finished.
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