as old as this thread is i just had an incident which brings light to relevance in this thread. but reflecting on the main subject matter of this thread i feel alot of people defending this person who caused this situation are severely deluded.
all well and good if you know this guy and i am sure alot of people stand to defend his charcter but all the character and good nature in the world wont justify a life lost. for people to say this could happen to any of us is ridiculous. think about it...and think about it good.
how many people on the roads everyday driving in normal vehicles driving by the speed limit have these kinds of crashes? really how many? very little if any right? why? we drive to a speed limit..yes. we anticipate the worst when we have passengers...yes? why? because we are responsible for there lives when we are driving the car they are riding in.
this guy cared for no one but himself and his ego by CLEARLY racing other vehicles. i have not heard of any car that suddenly accelerates excessively in the presence of other faster cars around. dont blame the type of car or the mods it are only controlled by one person and one person only.
better circumstances perhaps would have favoured him and his passengers,but remove the circumstance in the first place and this will not happen...ever. from what i have read i am the typical demographic in which they try to target.
i am of asian origin and have owned 4 jap modified import vehicles since getting my license( i am 33) and i can only ever recall getting any grief only once with one car and that was not knowing the power of my vehicle changing lanes. the cars i have had are 260 Z, mazda RX7, MX6 Turbo and a R32 GTR.hardly cars that blend in .it has been 7 years since my last infringement of any kind due to not being an idiot or being extra extra lucky. any loss is a sad loss even ones that were preventable, which brings me to my incident relating to this thread.
the stretch of tonkin hwy between leach and grt eastern is in question. speed is 100kmh...middle aged man i suppose you can call him in a Mazda MPS. take off at the lights and he is actually trying to run me, i only know this as i can see the front of his car darting back and forth on my left. finding it hard to understand why we get to 100 in a sane manner obviously in a quicker time he could, i dont understand why he is showing off, maybe curious to see how his car goes against me more than likely.
i slow down to let him pass as i need to get into the left hand lane and he speeds off..this is @100kmh.
as he does i see a female passenger shaking her head and then to my disgust i see 2 KIDS in the back seat!!!! he was looking straight ahead obviously in shame of his idiocy. the guy would have been at least early to mid 40s. tragedy and stupidity has no demographic and is only prevented by common sense...where available.
if you have no self control..take it to the track or get of the f@ckin road. i want to live and so do my friends and families. there is no exception or excuse, and if there is it can only be poor.