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    nissan skyline R33GTST
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    anthony mcgrath

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  1. I would insert a gif of aquaman in justice league saying "maaahhh maaan!" But couldn't find it Lol!
  2. Oem is fine I believe. Sturdy bit of kit but with an 800 bhp machine with all that work is it not worth putting the ARP one in?
  3. Howdoo.. do you run rightfootdown YouTube channel perchance? Give Dave at gtrshop a shout he will have one on shelves for you!
  4. Holy crap how have I not seen this? Subscribed!!!!
  5. Turbo Manifold Ext Wastegate Downpipe Custom Oil and water lines Possibly fuel pump upgrade Injectors It's a bit more than just "done" heh! and nearly everyone who fits one says yeah they are great but they don't transform it in the low and midrange. It's mildly better in those areas agreed and higher up power is better butnot everyone wants to go that route. I had a gtx3582r sat there when I bought my 32gtr but decided to stay on the twins altho mainly that was nostalgia and keeping the stock layout. I agree tho it's a serious way to improve all over but it's also £££
  6. Yep sorry my wording is wrong I know it's for the valve timing not ign timing lol. I don't won't if ill be seeing radical adjustments off a couple of extra degrees of cam timing tho? Can you give any thoughts?
  7. Just checked your graph out too what boost are you running? Mate running 1.2 currently it's quick but like your graph there up until 4500 it's a bit dull heh It's going back in a week or two for 1.6 bar boost and some adjustable pulleys to help advance ign a touch. It's not going to radically change it before 4500 but it'll help.. that's where the nos will make it more amusing heh. I've heard at 1.6 bar these turbos are just silly making 600+ and some ppl have reported 700 so they seem like good hard working turbos overall. I do miss that low down response tho. It does seem clear at some point to get top mount... a gen2 gtx3582r or precision 6266 which is the turbo everyone seems to jump on for a gtr but I wonder how a gtx3076r would be because I had one on my ol gtst and it was silly responsive down low and the new ones make 550hp+ I think after that for pure response it's an e85 setup or just look into an rb30 for end grunt. Just saturday morning musings lol...
  8. Thought I'd weigh in here my mate has got fully forged engine.. still a 2.6 with new crank forged pistons and rods. Tomei ponscams and 1.8mm head gasket. All supporting work and -5 turbos Hes currently limited to 6800rpm and 1.2 bar (small boost leak currently too so less than that) As stated below 4-4500 there ain't much going on in fact it's winding him up now. However the tuner said it's quite a mild tune to let him get used to it and limited rpm cos fresh engine build. He said there's lots to go yet... including 1.6 bar boost He got some adjustable cams to go in to advance ign a couple degrees but even with that and a map tune and more boost he will still be at the 4000 to 4500 rpm range if I'm lucky. So to that end hes going with nitrous to help the car in that low and mid range so it takes off like a 3ltr twin turbo diesel taxi lol. Yep he could go top mount.. New big turbos are mental.. I love em but he wants to keep the twins setup and he got tired of manifolds cracking on him with his gtst... maybe down the line but by then a 35 gtr engine will prob be affordable or the car itself lol! In the meantime I think nitrous is a good way to go for immediate shunt and power and then at 5000 let the turbos do the work. All told with 1.6 bar the car will see about 600+ bhp so that's pretty crazy then 80bhp nos on top is gonna make things rather cartoony lol. I've heard ppl scoff.. "uhh nitrous is fake power" ...cant stand that rubbish personally.. if it's installed right and connected up and ecu controlled it's every bit a part of the car as anything else and it's a great way to get rapid power. Just our 2 pence:) Ant
  9. Hey guys just thought I'd share this little walk round video.. I purchased some of these nismo r32gtr seat covers.. been after them for years now. I'll try and do a fitting video and final result video for my channel in the near future! If anyone has fitted these or has any notes feel free to share with me I'll appreciate it hugely! Ta Ant Uk
  10. Kelford or a set of tomei I reckon will work a treat! That's gonna be a monster build and the 3.4 should give some good low down punch before that tub starts working hard. Jeez and I'm happy with mine on -5 at 1.2 bar lol (altho it goes back soon for 1.6 and nitrous to help spool lol)
  11. Ah I'm sorry I just seen that it's for the vq model whereas I was on about the rb engines lol. However I would say a decat is the key and decent exhaust and itll roar.. perhaps a butterfly in the decat that can be opened and closed so essentially you can make it straight through or tone it down for residential areas. So jealous of you lot over in that side of the world heh! Would love to get my family and me out there!
  12. Mines downpipe Hks "silent" power Decat Then go do a tunnel run Your welcome
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