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Everything posted by Beef

  1. deleted by cowie165: save the profanity for the pub
  2. um der freddy........ the way he said it sounded like he was talknig about a dyno test or something.....
  3. cheers secur1ty
  4. yeah maybe he wanted to make himself a few extra bucks.... but to eliminate teh chance of a dodgy mechanic i actually watched them do it and saw the results with my own eyes... oh and..... what you mean by they probably didnt give it wide open throttle, they dont start the engine, they only turn it over 4 times....... its never actually running..... Beef
  5. OK just went and got the compression re-tested..... 1. 145psi 2. 150psi 3. 150psi 4. 145psi 5. 150psi 6. 150psi so i dont know what the other F**K head was doing, maybe he tested when cold or something.... so does this sound like a better number.... maybe it will improve when i do the oil change that is past due..... and also flush it out.. what you think... check the pic, its my baby gettin checked... compcheck.bmp
  6. oh sorry, ha ha how would one go about adjusting the cam timing.... can it be adjusted or do i need to get another timnig belt or something? Beef
  7. oh ok, well im pretty sure that the timing was on 22degrees when comp test was done, i have taking it back to 20degrees, so maybe it may be a litle lower/higher this time? which way? Tim
  8. ok..... if i was to say..... drop a set if FORGED PISTONS into it, then i would regain my lost compression.... i gather you only lose compression because the rings are starting to wear?? yeah? Beef
  9. ok, is your car still running fine? using oil? what do people think about this? Beef
  10. as for teh oil, it doesnt use any..... its last service was on 123,500 and now its 126,700 and it hasnt used a drop..... so there is nothing to worry about there, and it doesnt blow smoke or anythign.... it goes good..... so yeah.... maybe its not as bad as i first thought.. Beef
  11. ok well thats good to hear, so what your saying is that there is no huge risk and if i drive it nice and steady adn normal, there will be nothing to worry about? Beef
  12. hey all, just another question, its booked in to have another compression test done this afternoon, but if it turns out the same results... what does that mean? is there any real worry.... if i drive it normally is there going to be any detrimental effects? is it going to have any bad repocussions? please advise... Tim
  13. no need to answer those questions: 1. how do they do it: first they take off the coil packs and remove the spark plugs and test it that way.... that way i can get my coil packs and plugs looked at at the same time.... 2. i can get one done by a genuine nissan dealer for $40 sound good? Beef
  14. ok, well it looks like im gona need to get another one from a different person..... what is the process of a compression test.... like how do they do it? just by comptuer testing through the console or what....? and also what does it roughly cost to get one done? Beef
  15. Hi all, since my skyline has recently undergone a full respray i feel the need to take better care all round for it now.... dont ask me why but that means from switching from normal unleaded to Premium + Octane Booster (every 4 tanks) how much of an improvement will i see? and sdoes octane booster really work? this morning i ran her dry and filled it up with Shell Premium and a bottle of Nulon Boost and Clean what would you say that octane rating of this combination would be compared to normal unleaded fuel? Beef
  16. pm sent would like to see pics: [email protected] cheers Tim
  17. PM sent Gr333dy
  18. Hey ladz, just as the name says, im looking for a fuel pressure regulator... to suit R33 gtst skyline if anyone can hlep, PM or email me: [email protected] Beef
  19. Another PM SENT .... R33 Perfecto... please check
  20. hey man, i have a guy offering me a HKS EVC4 for $190 delivered.... what model is that EBC of yours? looks fairly old school... it still works perfectly? Beef
  21. how does it make any difference... i dont think it has forged pistons.... no.. so what does this mean now?
  22. cheers DJR.... makes sense now, but to thebest of my knowledge my engine was rebuilt in 2004 at about 80,000kms.... and im not sure if the compression test was done before or after... maybe i should get another one done, how much do they cahrge approx for it... Beef
  23. ok, so what does it mean.... lower compression more worn engine? is there any way to make the compression higher if it gets a bit low.... for example, is there any way to get the compression back up to 170psi from 125psi like my engine currently is? Beef
  24. excellent description of what "compression" actually is, but it fails to answer both my questions: 1. higher output engine = higher compression per cylinder? 2. are my results of my compression test good, average or bad? Beef
  25. Hey lads, i just have a question about cylinder compression, depending on what power your making will the cylinder compression be different? FOR EXAMPLE if a r33 skyline is making 400rwkw will the compression in each cylinder be higher than one making 200rwkw? or should it be the same... i really dont know anything about this so its probably a stupid question and obvious answer.... I have a 1994 R33 GTS25T making 209.8kw atw @12psi: the compression test was as follows: -----Leak Down--------Compression 1.-----15%----------------125psi 2.-----15%----------------125psi 3.-----15%----------------125psi 4.-----15%----------------125psi 5.-----15%----------------125psi 6.-----15%----------------130psi may car had travvelled 123,500kms when this test was done.... and now only has 126,200kms on it is this a good result or not so good result, please.... any advice would be much appreciated. Beef
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