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Everything posted by PranK

  1. NSW: Our chance for a Sydney Marine Park https://t.co/7ZiyBxGMfT via @AustMarConsSoc

  2. When a recruiter mashes your CV into their template and format they remove all personalisation and uniqueness making it less appealing.

  3. How common is your birthday? Find out exactly with an interactive heat map. https://t.co/DlQNn6JIRn via @weblogtemplates

  4. We need a moderator review in general.
  5. Hey @buffer any plans for reddit integration?

  6. Gayle’s last chance saloon closes shop https://t.co/g8gvcAUgjY via @foxsportsaus

  7. Budget winners and losers. https://t.co/yYVk63dIPA via @@abcnews

  8. RT @davpope: Minister Dutton blames advocates, for refugees self-harming on Nauru https://t.co/rExRZ1dAg5 https://t.co/zmm4Zs1Jno

  9. This is the most absurd #skateboarding video i've seen. Richie Jackson is nuts. https://t.co/dDdJLl2jVo

  10. Reddit Photoshop battle using Peter Dutton image is sensational. https://t.co/J6ExgGbcbS

  11. Anti snoring mouthguard makes me feel like I've been punched in the teeth. Again. And again. And again.I hope they're straight after this.

  12. Great update! Looking really good!
  13. I think Ben (our rescue dog) needs our other dog as much as he needs us. They are so close.

  14. SHUT UP MIKE! My brother in law throws in an estimated labour cost. Not very profitable now, huh?
  15. Mike is just so irritating. I'd hate to buy a car from them and then see it on the show! 'Old out your 'and!
  16. I did see the r33. I wasn't as repulsed. Usually it's a good show (I like seeing no bullshit mechanics which Edd shows.)
  17. Haha. I struggle with keeping up.
  18. Edd just referred to the power (300hp) as "outrageous".
  19. It seems to be. They put a V mount radiator and cooler in and a power FC. No boost or anything. Now they are wrapping it in snake skin vinyl to match the ruined wheels.Biggest face palm for me was the claim that there was only 35hp lost between engine and wheels.
  20. They appear to be two piece BBS also.
  21. Water transfer with snake skin and the lips sprayed orange! On an FD RX7! I don't think there could possibly be any worse looking wheels anywhere in the world.
  22. RT @writer_sheri: Flight passenger names their Wi-Fi hotspot 'mobile detonation device', grounds plane - CNET https://t.co/9RtESPiU0g (CNET…

  23. One Drive for Business is easily the biggest pile of shit that you can install on a Mac. @Microsoft you suck for releasing this.

  24. Hi @CompostRevoln I did my little test and paid for my worm farm back in February and still don't have it. :( What can I do?

  25. YouTube > Work.

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