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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Snowy I love it! Any more pics?
  2. When was the last time somebody saw Moen Ali's chin?

  3. Hey mate, welcome to the boards! I don't think your car has had a turbo. There are lots of cars kicking around with turbo timers whether they're turbo or not. Badges are easy to change. Enjoy the forums.
  4. RT @freetibetorg: Tibetan flag flies high despite threats by China http://t.co/UM7DvZOdTy http://t.co/DLHcDaRqgN

  5. OOoooooh thats great! I was sitting here wondering how a wheel can be too heavy for a brake disk! haha Thanks for not destroying me.
  6. f**ks sake… So many stories in the news tonight about mistreatment of children. Just kills me… I just want to protect them all.

  7. Guys, I will get the stick out if you keep talking shit in here. Take it to the Wasteland and discuss or argue till your heart's content.
  8. Theres already a few of you here. THats all it takes to get moving!
  9. SAU VIC is a seriously will managed club with lots of events. Actually SAU Nats is down there in October (check the very top categories on the index page.) Post in the vic section for info about the club.
  10. Bah don't be silly. I have VW's! What state are you in?
  11. Few people saying Kyrgios has crossed the line.I'm not convinced the dude knows the lines actually exist.

  12. Agreed, looks incredible. How loud is it when "on" ?
  13. Maybe time for a club rebuild?
  14. Love a good review! Thanks for the read! Your brakes make my knees wobbly now, so sexy.
  15. RT @beyondblue: Is your brain making it hard to concentrate? Find out why at http://t.co/dM6eI7QvKT #brainsareweird http://t.co/6yv7zPbPYL

  16. RT @wes_chu: This is my favorite gif in the world. http://t.co/Dtj7nUW6v7

  17. I didn't even realize there were settings for notifications. Make sure your notifications are enabled by going into the notifications section and hitting the cog in the top right corner. Mine working fine now.
  18. Would love to see some more pics of the two stags with R35 wheels. They look seriously awesome!
  19. RT @ABCNews24: Coalition MP Warren Entsch has introduced a bill to legalise same-sex marriage #marriageequality #ssm #auspol http://t.co/aJ…

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