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Everything posted by PranK

  1. What happens when a parked car is hit by a truck. http://t.co/r8rnrbgY0V

  2. RT @ClickHole: Innovative: Toyota Is Saving Cyclists’ Lives By Adding Ramps To Their Car Doors http://t.co/PZGC87YfI8 http://t.co/kVrrvbgnqv

  3. Secret report reveals toxic legacy of coal gasification trials near SE Queensland town http://t.co/LedLH2XOvo via @ABCNews

  4. RT @darrenpauli: [REG] HTC caught storing fingerprints AS WORLD-READABLE CLEARTEXT http://t.co/3WNqA0BrlZ

  5. RT @BevanShields: by @ellinghausen: Bronwyn Bishop holds her hands while everyone applauds the election of Tony Smith as Speak #auspol http…

  6. Why do people still use Instagram? They are to the internet what North Korea is to any kind of freedom.

  7. RT @SophyRidgeSky: I love Telegraph letters page - who knew it was also brilliant back in 1913? http://t.co/gB1f9QR2fr

  8. The letter to the bilby (bandicoot) that died on our lawn today from my daughter. Why can't more people be like this? http://t.co/yfs9IzISEE

  9. RT @mikko: "Update will take 45 minutes. During the update process you will not be able to drive your car." http://t.co/yEy01qAjeRPic via …

  10. That's such a cool video. Juke rocks.
  11. Just sat with a bandicoot for the last few moments of its life.Sobering.Thank you, bandicoot. Travel well.

  12. My local @igaAustralia sporting it's fair share of solar panels. So awesome! http://t.co/vSnk751756

  13. Not many places better than New Leaf Nursery for a Sunday morning. Now with more piano! http://t.co/DUHiFf1nyA

  14. Just played a cricket video game as England and lost to Australia.Feels so much better.

  15. Ooh @Wallabies you wonderful things.

  16. RT @Wallabies: The moment Australia broke the world record for the largest scrum! #AUSvNZL @FOXSportsAUS http://t.co/WwLQSJ747d

  17. Just got a video of my wife playing Just Dance with the kids.I'm getting dizzy thinking about the power I have just obtained!

  18. I used to be a ball boy for @manly_rugby. I'm a @Warringahrugby lad these days but manly always in my heart. So stoked for grand final spot!

  19. RT @Stroud_RR: Stroud pilot flies controversial Tibet balloon, Tashi, at Bristol International Balloon Fiesta http://t.co/iWUM4FZ7QB http:/…

  20. Just found out there is a"hiroshimalol" hash tag. Used a lot with "godblessamerica" tag. Stunned. I just hate people sometimes.

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