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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Was just told by my 5yo that I'm the same as her boyfriend because we both like star wars.

  2. For what platform? I'm part of the SAU crew on x360.
  3. RT @Jackthelad1947: Labor is on the road to election victory. #Auspol #thedrum50% Renewables by 2030 Yes! http://t.co/jBt6YJcjcP

  4. RT @ded: This is probably why I don't use Reddit. http://t.co/XgdRtAVsCo

  5. How ironic that they are called "Wisdom" teeth. They are clearly the dumbest things ever.

  6. But it has the most adorable German accent when it nags!
  7. Nice one! Welcome to SAU! Have you considered starting a build thread?
  8. My daughter has a sore in her body that is pushing on her brain and stopping her from going to sleep.I'll wait before I call the ambos.

  9. Man @Spotify "random" algorithm sucks so bad.

  10. Androids should be fine. iPhones have had issues in the past... I'll look into it.
  11. RT @SteveSuckington: Kinda thick horizontal curvy line, two thinner curvy vertical lines, squiggly line, different thicker squiggly line-…

  12. My site averages 77 queries per second.Somehow logging of all queries had been enabled.Disk filled reallllll quick!

  13. Just caught the end of a Glee episode. That there is some shit that can't be unseen.

  14. “The Web We Have to Save” by @h0d3r https://t.co/EuVijyYeQy

  15. Abs brilliant summary of DWTS 2015 premiere by @benpobjie "To be fair she is wearing a very intimidating dress." http://t.co/ze4WagG1Lg

  16. RT @nova969: These wounded war veterans posed naked for a photoshoot and it's inspiring > http://t.co/Rkpjhwb31k http://t.co/vpTzr6paLn

  17. RT @skyaus: This could be interesting. What do you think? http://t.co/6v9L2aPl8w

  18. Hoping Chris Rogers is OK. Great to see Cook come straight over to him.#ENGvAUS #Ashes2015

  19. RT @skyaus: Hmm. New GTR design maybe?Source: Google Now. http://t.co/lfiidNCXNX

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