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Everything posted by PranK

  1. RT @Tibetans: “Our slogan is hope for the best but prepare for the worst” @DalaiLama says he hopes he will return to #Tibet but “it might t…

  2. PranK

    Nissan Gtr Rumours

    Thanks for clarifying.
  3. Dang it…. I want to take a photo of my phone on my wireless charger but my phone is on my wireless charger.#FirstWorldProblems

  4. Why Norway Helps Prisoners and America Fails Them http://t.co/0Bm8KJ60qG via @attndotcom

  5. Google webmaster tools busted my site for not having mobile friendly pages when it itself doesn't have mobile friendly pages!! 1!

  6. RT @SBSNews: Motion of dissent moved against Speaker Bronwyn Bishop, @stephanieando reports http://t.co/CmTuI7v8FA #auspol http://t.co/yNkL…

  7. Please stop chatting in here!
  8. I'm stunned and a little humoured by the number of people upset about Goodes' celebration.Get a life, people.

  9. Still nothing from @newbalance on my shoes that are falling apart on the soles. Another week and more damage done.

  10. #ItsTime for Marriage Equality. Let’s work together to end discrimination. We’re closer than we’ve ever been. http://t.co/UYuw2YkgZg

  11. Check out this week's @chargedtech newsletter http://t.co/Md8UvvgxD9

  12. Banned him good. Dont forget that you guys can report from PM's also. Sonsabitches will try anything.
  13. RT @GreenpeaceRO: Romania losses 3 ha of wood per hour! Stop #deforestation! #GetUpAND ACT! http://t.co/mmJvMoi05F

  14. Schmucks booing Cooper at NIB. Poor form.#FORvRED

  15. Great work @Warringahrugby. Just wasn't too be. @manly_rugby were driven by captains injury (hope he's OK!)Thanks lads.

  16. Feeling for Sam Carter.Sorry mate, hope all is OK.@BrumbiesRugby #BRUvBUL

  17. Wtf was Nonu doing?!#CRUvHUR

  18. Holy smokes I LOVE the canvas/wallpaper/background viewer functionality on @TheNextWeb. Bravo guys, thats fantastic.

  19. Hmm … trying to work out the best ad placement for watch faces.

  20. Freaking amazing thread. OP you still around?
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