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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Loved seeing the Aboriginal flag over the Sydney Harbour Bridge this morning. Anybody know whats the occasion?

  2. There are a lot of rumours going around about the "Next GTR" whether it is the R35 GTR or not. I thought I'd create a thread to chat about these rumours. The latest is from paultan.org. That site writes Not sure about that 1,500hp claim ... The article goes on to say ... 700 hp sounds awesome. But, more power and a milder powertrain? What do you think? Have you read much about the new GTR?
  3. Going through the @kexp best albums of 2014 bit by bit. Some awesome stuff on there. http://t.co/hYZG6MSE9W

  4. RT @Kon__K: 429 women murdered in Australia since 2010119 Australians murdered globally by terrorism since 1901Tell me again which is #…

  5. Jesus Christ. Didn't recognize @Peter_Fitz ! Like a sheet of paper!

  6. I closed all other topics. Please dont duplicate. Also, please keep all on-topic discussion on the boards so other members can benefit from it.
  7. Thread closed. Believe it or not, but since SAU started more than 7 years ago, this topic has been discussed before. Please use the search function in future. It may be found here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums While we understand that it can be frustrating to have your thread closed - Please consider that other members may feel it to be disrespectful and selfish of you to post a simple question, without using the search feature to review the wealth of information provided by said members over the years. If you still feel that this action is unjust, then please PM me and we can discuss it further.
  8. Closing because of duplication. Seriously OP this is the best way to irritate members of the boards.
  9. Thread closed. Believe it or not, but since SAU started more than 7 years ago, this topic has been discussed before. Please use the search function in future. It may be found here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums While we understand that it can be frustrating to have your thread closed - Please consider that other members may feel it to be disrespectful and selfish of you to post a simple question, without using the search feature to review the wealth of information provided by said members over the years. If you still feel that this action is unjust, then please PM me and we can discuss it further.
  10. Closing. You posted several duplicates of this.
  11. Damn, thats awesome! I love that.
  12. "That's a James O'Connor."Hahaha

  13. This looks cool. Interested to hear about how the lpg goes. BTW, any build thread on your track 33?
  14. Wow. Watching @JeremyClarkson and Hammond calling the Ford Ka "cool" on S2E1 of Top Gear.The Ford Ka.No wonder you guys were sacked.

  15. RT @FXMC1957: 26 May 1969. Beatle John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono began their 2nd 'bed in for peace' in a hotel in Montreal. http://t.co/…

  16. Note, I hid *all* comments whether they were valid or not as there was just too much chat. If your comment is gone, that doesn't necessarily mean you did anything wrong. OP posts all remain.
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