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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Reds sitting in last with a whopping -172 points difference. Yikes.

  2. The @Sportsmate Super Rugby app is great. Much better than the @FOXSportsAUS one. #SuperRugby

  3. 10 mins to go, $5 says they get the ton. #CRUvRED

  4. Amazing butchered try by @Reds_Rugby. Painful to watch. #CRUvRED

  5. RT @larowlan: After 26 months of #PatchADay http://t.co/Z7YAykR0zX is now telling me I'm a top 10 contributor to #Drupal8. Well worth the t…

  6. New member of the family. http://t.co/nV6St5C4Vs

  7. RT @brianloveswords: For just $64/mo you can upgrade to JavaScript Enterprise Edition & as an extra bonus for 1st time subscribers undefine…

  8. RT @mockuplabs: Graffitied DNS codes on walls in the sphincter of the universe to get around blocks on social media is the most cyberpunk thing ever http://t.co/U…

  9. Bummed to learn @JacquePotgieter is heading back to RSA next year. Will miss you big guy.

  10. Hey @guster when will your new album be on @spotify in Australia?

  11. Study: Some beards as dirty as toilets - WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories: http://t.co/VFIIiLAT7t

  12. Is that a haiku?
  13. Oh yes! I've scoured the internet to find as many pics as I could. Looks amazing! The back is horrible, but what they've done to the lines down the sides is really cool. What do you think?
  14. I was appalled at how horrible the Wheeler Dealers Skyline episode was. It really put me off the show. On the flip side, I've always found the less-showy Car SOS to be a better watch, even if they don't show quite the level of mechanical work that Wheeler Dealers does. I caught the 2nd half of an episode where they were SOS'ing an R33 GTR. I had to do a double take because I'd never seen them work on anything newer than mid-eighties. It was so nice to see them restore the car rather than "modifying" it. They replaced the exhaust (3.5" maybe) with a fresh built exhaust, they replaced the Nismo wheels with a new set (that looked questionably "Nismo" to me) and then they cleaned and repainted. Nothing silly. And holy smokes it looked *so* good afterwards. Sounded great too. Anyone else seen this episode?
  15. I don't even follow @Australia.

  16. I like banning spammers on my site while they're still online. Its like holding their still-beating heart in my hands as they die.

  17. RT @christopherneff: If you are driving through Newtown this morning there is a car flipped over on King st in front of Max Brenner http://…

  18. RT @TheAviator1992: Abbott's inner homophobe has reappeared. And it's disgusting. #auspol http://t.co/8PLmivPBvd

  19. RT @LauraChapin: Well played, Denver Airport. Well played. #MayThe4thBeWithYou http://t.co/9WhsGeXpG2

  20. It worked. Nobody dared touch it. http://t.co/yaIocbtkcw

  21. RT @yonderboy: perfect RT @JPSargeant78 For those wondering why Joss Whedon left Twitter - here's one suggestion that has come up .. http:/…

  22. Brilliant!
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