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Everything posted by PranK

  1. RT @350Australia: @GregHuntMP Enviro Min - r u protecting the #reef & #climate or Aust's #fossilfuel interests? No to Abbot Pt! #QandA http…

  2. Me and my metadata: How I beat Telstra after my 22-month legal battle - http://t.co/hbJegv5UpR via @smh

  3. RT @trueblueline: Honour Gallipoli Centenary With Greater PTSD Support: Trauma Expert http://t.co/KaOuwQ2ULv http://t.co/sPsKx0t6ey

  4. RT @theblackfishorg: Nothing but the truth: contrary to belief, tuna are a wild animal not a sandwich filler #overfishing http://t.co/rW964…

  5. I have to not browse cars on Pinterest or I'll go mad. So many incorrectly identified cars - mainly GTR's. Doing my head in.

  6. I have the smallest, almost invisible line, the width of a pin on my #GalaxyS6 that is only visible under certain light.Its bugging me.

  7. OmgCan't cope with the logies tweet flood....

  8. RT @JimboLoony: Imagine the press treated every baby born to a family reliant on state handouts the same. #RoyalBaby #SickOfItAlready http:…

  9. The worst idea this century must be the Facebook birthday reminder notifications idea. That guy or girl should be significantly punished.

  10. I secretly lived in my office for 500 days http://t.co/qwETQQLEdm via @Salon

  11. RT @ThislsAmazing: The Kardashian’s 90s Fashion http://t.co/AYQA0DHAGF

  12. Interesting that there is a NoFap app now too. This movement is very cool.

  13. It's a girl!Holy shit I couldn't give any fewer f**ks.Vote 1 republic.

  14. RT @RUPAnews: Congratulations @ScottyHiggers, with that try he joins @OwenFinegan as the top try-scoring forward in #SuperRugby #29 http://…

  15. How good is this game?! #REBvCHI

  16. How can the shop be called @Liquorland if it doesn't sell OP rum? BWS here I come.

  17. I watch rugby almost exclusively for the beards.

  18. Happy birthday @MattoRochford ! Hope you have a great day despite the weather. ????

  19. I'm particularly fond of this alert by @Pinterest this morning. http://t.co/coS2ge9AnZ

  20. The kids are refusing to play Just Dance to Rock Lobster. What's wrong with kids these days?

  21. Just broke out of prison in Prison RPG. What a sense of accomplishment.

  22. RT @Tibetans: I expect for His Holiness 17th #Karmapa to hold the future of #Tibetབོད http://t.co/wo6TR8169pVia @kohyu1952 @shedancestibe

  23. RT @clara111: @Tibetans we will once again call on China to release Tenzin Delek Rinpoche- #Tibet PLS SIGN https://t.co/uFTrmKMFxA http://…

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