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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Wanna know the worst thing about quitting Facebook?I don't think anybody noticed.

  2. Can't believe the quantity of ads during #MotoGP coverage. Stunned at @Foxtel.

  3. RT @dunstan: I don't think that's how it works. http://t.co/4gtodVoyWN

  4. Can we consider a penalty try from a brumbies scrum to be Alexander's? #HatTrick #FreeBeer #REDvBRU #MissingHashTag

  5. RT @phillutton78: That kick from Christian Lealiifano not up to Super Rugby standard.

  6. The @NSWWaratahs already looking so much tighter than last week. So awesome.#HIGvWAR

  7. Hey @optus - nope, no probs connecting to other wifi networks (like work). Two macs, two phones, one CHromecast, all have probs at home. :(

  8. Loving (and hating) @stephenfry's Out There. Seriously eye opening (and eye watering also.) Thank you!

  9. Hey @optus my wifi modem is so bad my phone refuses to connect to it and I have to restart it every 2 days. How can I get a new one?

  10. Yikes. @Zazzle 2.0/5 after 82 reviews on Product Review! http://t.co/Y3uMSlmWxLYep, time to find replacement.

  11. Music this week; Macklemore surprisingly good, Father John Misty not as good as debut also quite dark. New Broken Bells is really good.

  12. RT @BillGates: Proof the world is getting better. More mothers than ever are surviving child birth: http://t.co/tjV4wYyxPV http://t.co/2FVa…

  13. Indonesian protesters offended by Tony Abbott - Well done @TonyAbbottMHR. http://t.co/EiNNR4jlNt via @smh

  14. I'm really loving the @CampaignMonitor 'Template Builder' - https://t.co/Hax49b6h3y Super cool.

  15. "There's been some poor crowd fielding."#ShutUpWarnie #AUSvSL #CWC15

  16. RT @gollyg: Thanks to all the organisers, sponsors and participants for making #DrupalSouth such a memorable event.

  17. Goodbye #DrupalSouth. See you next year hopefully.

  18. Its been a long time since I've worked with #Drupal 8. God damn its come a long way! Amazing work by the community!! #DrupalSouth

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