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Everything posted by PranK

  1. PranK

    20140901 side view

    Damn, that looks awesome.
  2. Good news. Thanks!
  3. Great thread, awesome idea Terry. Would love to see some more contributors.
  4. Thanks Basho - are you still getting warnings? I'm not seeing anything and Google isn't reporting any phishing/malicious links (We have a webmaster control panel that usually warns us about any links).
  5. Wow! Great info to share!
  6. Ah I see what you're saying. I'm not sure if we have any control over that but I'll definitely bring it to the attention of our ad supplier. Thank you!
  7. First night I owned my first GTR I hit 2nd pretty hard and snapped my drive shaft. Limped the car home and had to tell my wife what had happened and .. ahem .. *how* it had happened.
  8. Yeah baby! This is going to be awesome. NT Represent!
  9. Just a story that comes to mind ... Bought coilovers for my Bora. Read that when you go 50+ mm lower than stock, the sway bar will hit the control arms. Bought a new front sway bar to avoid that problem. Went to central coast to put the coilovers in at a mates place, undid all the front suspension and dropped the struts out but couldn't get the sway bar out no matter what we did... SO, we decided to drop the subframe as it was the only way in, this included detaching the steering box. Got the sway bar out. Putting the new Whiteline bar in, it wouldn't fit anything. Even if I got it sitting in kind-of the right position, none of the bolts or links would connect. At this stage its 5:30pm and we're almost out of light on a Sunday on a job that should have taken 3 - 4hrs tops. We gave up well after dark and wheeled the car out onto the road for a towie, none of the steering was connected yet. Got a train home, called Pedders the next day to get it towed and put back to stock.... Which they did and I got the train up to get it. Seems we had the FWD sway bar, not the AWD one. And .... as a kicker .... The swaybar rubbing problem is only a problem on the FWD's. We didn't need to change swaybars at all, let alone drop the subframe and steering.
  10. Sorry guys, found and killed the bugger.
  11. Crap! It looks like the 3 latest versions of the app store app haven't made it to the app store!! Looking into that.
  12. Yeah, on this. Thanks guys.
  13. These might start trickling through again soon, seems our security certificate for push notifications had expired.
  14. Great thread. Whats the point of registering it? (Sorry if you said this and I missed it)
  15. I have to be moving. We drove the car in a carpark yesterday with bonnet up and my brother-in-law listening intently. Looks like it might be strut tops. The MK4's have a bearing in the strut tops to stop the rubber mount turning, looks like this is common when the bearing has had it. Hopefully I can test without taking the strut out.
  16. I totally missed this thread. Checking it out atm.
  17. Will investigate all issues shortly.
  18. The thread isn't titled 'push notifications' its titled 'app problems' so I reckon he's bang on topic.
  19. We've used WiperTech on both our cars recently and they've been unreal. Hey OP - can we update image links?
  20. Ok cool, will get onto that. Thanks!
  21. Its not a big enough noise to hear while driving, unless it doesn't occur at higher than creeping speeds maybe ... ? No, not rubbing. Used to have it on some decked coilovers, rubbed when looking at it. Its a much more sensible height with stockies on it now.
  22. Hi All, I need some diagnosis help on my steering. My car is AWD and predominantly FWD which puts the CV's under the microscope, but there is no split boots and the noise is less 'clicky' than the noise you get with busted CV's. The noise sounds almost like a bushing slipping on some metal. The noise I'd expect to hear if somebody twisted my sway bar inside its mount rubbers. Almost all my rubbers in the front end are relatively new (last 20000k's) as are the tie rod ends, but those were a bit on the cheap side from ebay. I'm not convinced its them. I was asked to look at the rear control arm mount but I'm not sure it will be that as it will happen when the car is stationary - wouldn't the control arm mount complain only when the suspension is going up and down? It's gotten a lot worse over the past month or two and can be worse on some surfaces, ie on polished concrete (ala car parks) it is really bad, but on my pavers-covered driveway it doesn't make a sound. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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