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Everything posted by PranK

  1. God the internet looks shithouse today.Crap! Forgot I had JS disabled for testing! Much better.

  2. RT @OSBeehives: *BIG NEWS* sensors now live in the hive! Data updated every 10m: http://t.co/8MPZpvGUXO @openscience @sparkfun http://t.co/…

  3. Every minute or so that I am watching Animal Cops I find one of my dogs and give them a pat or a cuddle. Some real shit heads out there.

  4. RT @figgled: "Thank you for calling the Pope hotline, for all your sanctimonious needs. For assistance, please bless one."

  5. Just so angry at the number of knock ons and penalties by @QantasWallabies. Kids' stuff. Just the most frustrating performance. Ergh.

  6. RT @smh: Australia's detention of refugees is forbidden by international law, a United Nations report has found http://t.co/ajkZGf0qpI | @n

  7. Trying to watch Anchorman 2 but it continues to remind me why I no longer watch movies. Absolute shite.

  8. Surprised by the lack of #novaxmas tweets.

  9. Would love to see @iambenfields face when he sees this. “@_youhadonejob: My dad thinks he's so funny. http://t.co/NPofxgU2n0”

  10. I cant tell from the side, is that an 8?
  11. Plant-based gel can stop traumatic bleeding in seconds http://t.co/i7ToYcrbw0 via @CNET

  12. Come on peeps. We need a 'post your evo' thread. I love these things and would love to have one as my daily. But alas, I must live vicariously through you guys.
  13. Nice thread Terry.
  14. I wish I could click 'like this' more than once.
  15. Looks unreal!! Great work!
  16. Updated first post with Scot's updated list. Thanks mate!!
  17. Outstanding work!
  18. Thread closed. Believe it or not, but since SAU started more than 7 years ago, this topic has been discussed before. Please use the search function in future. It may be found here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums While we understand that it can be frustrating to have your thread closed - Please consider that other members may feel it to be disrespectful and selfish of you to post a simple question, without using the search feature to review the wealth of information provided by said members over the years. If you still feel that this action is unjust, then please PM me and we can discuss it further.
  19. Yeah ... closed.
  20. RT @purserj: Oh and just in case you missed it, the NSW Govt wants to move the Powerhouse Museum http://t.co/3kuCyTuWbJ

  21. RT @CNET: 'Jurassic World' trailer landed last night: watch all the running and screaming here http://t.co/UnGmYuuYUb

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