So, one of the downfalls of Apache is it is a process-driven server which, when hit by a lot of visitors, it can die. A terrible, terrible death. Basically, a visit spins up a process and keeps it open. Spin up enough of these and, well, you get the idea.
Today, a few times, we were hit by something. I can't be sure what it was, we have in front of the server which stops a lot of threats, it also reduces my ability to see what is happening on the logs. So, I haven't had a chance to dig too far yet, I was just working on getting it back up.
SO, I have kind-of set up NGINX to serve the site. You probably noticed a bunch of weird goings on while I tried to convert the Apache config to NGINX. Which I *think* I have done. Anyway, NGINX is event-driven and can handle the additional traffic quite well. It wont spin up additional processes unnecessarily.
Anyway, I hope its all ok, I can't be sure if this is malicious or not just yet, but as I am in a bit of a quasi-legal battle with another company at the moment, it seems a little coincidental.
Please report any strange goings on.