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Everything posted by PranK

  1. So we are now on tapatalk. But we also have our own sau app built on tapatalk and its free! Android is available now, iPhone one is awaiting review so this week hopefully.
  2. Ok, on it guys, thanks.
  3. Ok, I purged the cache - can you see if its any different?
  4. Not sure what you mean?
  5. We're getting through them guys, sorry for the delays. The heap of attacks last night and the night before haven't helped. Embedded videos? Cool, I'll fix that also.
  6. Yeah, we have CloudFront.com in front of SAU - helps with threats and speeding up browsing. It also caches a lot and I think you guys might have been seeing the old cached version. The caches will be expiring and people will be getting fresh versions now.
  7. Down the bottom of the screen is there not a 'Full Version' link? What happens if you click it?
  8. Great! Thanks! I think its just local caching, but I don't know how to confirm that because mine works fine in all browsers (but I have cache disabled in chrome for development) tweety - can you try another browser just to test with?
  9. Ok cool. Once the cache clears it *should* be ok.
  10. Shift refresh? Seems odd that its ie. can you try another browser?
  11. For more on Apache versus NGINX, please see this page.
  12. So, one of the downfalls of Apache is it is a process-driven server which, when hit by a lot of visitors, it can die. A terrible, terrible death. Basically, a visit spins up a process and keeps it open. Spin up enough of these and, well, you get the idea. Today, a few times, we were hit by something. I can't be sure what it was, we have cloudfront.com in front of the server which stops a lot of threats, it also reduces my ability to see what is happening on the logs. So, I haven't had a chance to dig too far yet, I was just working on getting it back up. SO, I have kind-of set up NGINX to serve the site. You probably noticed a bunch of weird goings on while I tried to convert the Apache config to NGINX. Which I *think* I have done. Anyway, NGINX is event-driven and can handle the additional traffic quite well. It wont spin up additional processes unnecessarily. Anyway, I hope its all ok, I can't be sure if this is malicious or not just yet, but as I am in a bit of a quasi-legal battle with another company at the moment, it seems a little coincidental. Please report any strange goings on. THanks, Christian
  13. ARRRR-HAR-HAR - I HAVE YOU RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOU!!! So hard to type in 'pirate' And, we need a 'crack dealer' emoticon... My pleasure guys.
  14. Thanks! It'll be moved to AWS hopefully on Friday. More resources and hopefully faster and more stable.
  15. Oh, and just noticed that users on the Deluxe theme have been seeing an extra ad! Sorry about that! Fixing it up now.
  16. All, Just letting you know if you experienced the site being offline this morning that *something* hit us. I don't know what it was, but the machine needed a hard reboot this morning. We have cloudfront.com sitting in front of our requests and they block some threats, just not all. Anyway, site might be a little slower for a while as the db has to get back into memory. C
  17. Can you screen shot the notifications? Can't reproduce it anywhere.
  18. Use your colour picker up the top and select black.
  19. THats the only mobile theme we have at the moment. The white one was broken. It'll come back, just not till its fixed.
  20. Sweet! Working through them, sorry guys, didnt notice a lot of these issues during testing.
  21. BTW - switched to a new mobile skin now. Works well. Also put the skin in the 'Change Theme' drop box so you can go back to it if you switch to full version.
  22. In general or just mobile skin?
  23. And 'Full Version' link works.
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