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Everything posted by PranK

  1. I woke up this morning and thought to my self, you know what this city needs? A little rain.

  2. Life is good.

  3. Just ordered my new pushy! Sooooo excited! Biggest bike I've ever seen.

  4. It both concerns and amuses me that people jump up and down about the Nuclear issues in Japan while America destroys SO much more life and land by CHOICE every day ... Watch the movie Fuel. You owe it to the world to do so.

  5. Ahh. The pigeon exhibit. Always a favorite.

  6. I think our office is about to float away.

  7. Its not sad!! Its great!!
  8. Things should be back now. Server was moved to a new data centre on Friday, I was told that there'd be no interuptions so I didnt even look for any. Silly me. Let me know if anything else is broken.
  9. Haha, "and i can say that without driving a 35" - really? Yikes ... Goes to show how easy (and judgemental perhaps?) it is to jump on a 'this car is better than that car' bandwagon ...
  10. Bummer, thanks guys I'll get the Digital Niche guys to look into it.
  11. There'll be an IE9 Update for Invision soon, will make it a bit easier to use for IE9. I'll check out the icon issue though, that may be my fault.
  12. Damn, this looks awesome. Might leave the VW in the car park, but come and check it out.
  13. TODAYS HAPPY HEADLINE: In a scientific miracle that has doctors and health workers miffed, the world has eradicated the common cold. Sudafed has filed for Chapter 11.

  14. Trying to get up-to-speed on some terminology before I go to a concert with my (soon-to-be) 15 y/o niece. Can anybody help me out with definitions for: "emocore" or "screamo" or can anybody tell me what the difference is between "hardcore" and "post-hardcore" ? kthx

  15. TODAYS HAPPY HEADLINE: White and pink fluffy and infertile (no plaque here) bunnies have stunned Australian residents by smiling and waving at passers by. One woman, who requested to remain anonymous said "Its just so lovely, they look so happy and they can't have babies!"

  16. HAPPY NEWS HEADLINE: Huge smiley-face looking cloud sets new world record by keeping shape and formation across the entire world. Weather Bureau happy!

  17. Snips from a friendly email from Todae:"... will not tolerate being sworn at or mistreated both online and in any communication between us." (Because I wrote 'FA'?)"If you continue to post offensive words on our Facebook page, or in any of our communication, we will be forced to only speak to Rebecca""Again, I can empathise with the disappointment, but we certainly do not deserve to be treated in this manner."

  18. PranK


    I can do it, but its not a Skyline. You also need to update your avatar, lurker.
  19. Todae have now removed me as a member of their page. I'm assuming its because I kept updating Facebook with how crap their service is. Thats funny.

  20. 5 weeks now since initially contacting Todae Eco Store about our leaking roof (from their solar install.) The roof has been repaired but nothing done about the ceiling damage. Ignoring emails, sweet FA. Seriously disappointed. They were supposed to be the premium solar peeps. Heh.

  21. Loved hearing the cycling commentator (not really sure why it was on) announce that it was available on HD. Cycling

  22. Ergh. Were showbags always this terrible?

  23. I love the easter show. City slickers looking at the animals and the country folk watching the stupid city slickers.

  24. Stunning day. Its going to be a great day today!

  25. Had a dream last night that Benny J Feldstein stole my toothbrush. Why would he do that?

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