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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Thanks Australia for beating England. Happy birthday punter!!

  2. Asked Johnson and hussey to win this one for my bday. Looks like they might deliver.

  3. I may have spoken too soon! Go Johnson you good thing!

  4. Cant watch the cricket. Its heart breaking.

  5. Yesterday I witnessed a car run into the back of a Taxi. The taxi driver was all flustered and after about 5 mins, he runs over to another tax (that I just got in) and asked the driver "Did you witness that car run into me?" to which my taxi driver said "yep!".... Lying bastard, he only just got there. This just adds to my growing frustration surrounding profesional drivers.

  6. Fixed Paul. Sorry mate!
  7. Don't waste your words I don't need anything from youI don't care where you've been or what you plan to do

  8. If you do a full reply, not just a quicky, the emoticons are already opened! Then I dont need to fix anything.
  9. What browser? Can you try a different one?
  10. I just added a rewrite rule for the urls that didnt work. They were still based on the old old old VBulletin style. I'm pretty sure I got them all.
  11. Quite simply, the bane of my existance.
  12. Bummer. By far the hardest part of this upgrade was ensuring that all our old links still worked. I'll go through the DIY's and try to fix them up. Thanks!
  13. Yep. Its a good habit to be in.
  14. Yeah, I need to edit the template. Unless we have the legal 'ok' from the copyright holder, we cant. I know. But. 10,000!!! Yeah baby!!
  15. Yep, and I'm the one who gets taken to court. Thread closed.
  16. CTRL+SHIFT+T will reopen the last closed tab. Tabs Mixed Plus can bite me.
  17. Yeah thats a vbulletin feature. We used to have that on the ooooollllddd SAU. I might be able to whip up something similar using the existing Preview Post functionality.
  18. I just thought I'd let you, my favourite people, know that after almost 9 years, I am within 6 posts of hitting 10,000 posts and I'm a little excited about it.
  19. Ok, I know I havent answered everybody in this post, sorry if I have missed you, you might need to quote yourself in a new post. NICE! My 3 y/o will LOVE those!! Yep, on my to do. Hmmm.. Ok, let me sort this. OMG yes please, I'm losing track! hahahaha, love this! I know this wont help represent, but I gave you a rep for that comment. Thank goodness rep doesn't directly counter your warn status or you'd be rooted. Thanks!!! Hey, nice idea! I'll look into it. Yeah, the image attachments will be fixed shortly. member/contributor/admin/moderator tags are coming soon. Thanks guys, keep that feedbck coming and again sorry if I have missed you in my responses.
  20. Will I be allowed to come in my dub?
  21. The Garage is actually already installed and running... Wonder why you cant see it, maybe I rooted the permissions. Can you see Timeslips and Trader Ratings? I was really hoping nobody would notice the S ... Maybe we can just claim it is a tribute to SAU? Or Skylines? Wont be long, hopefully first thing. The script keeps failing which keeps extending the length of time it'll take.
  22. So many peeps still sporting mos post November. That's dedication!

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