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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Yeah, a dark one is in the works already. Hmmm, I'll look at that. Nope, just click it. Thanks! I'll work on that Awesome tag too. Sweet, Thanks!! Agreed. Hmmm, maybe a setting I overlooked. Will have another look. Yeah the PM's are disabled temporarily, but the 'Friend' system keeps sending them out. Silly thing. Thanks! Love you guys! Keep it coming.
  2. Thanks Revhead! Reps dont mean anything, no restrictions or anything like that, purely for members to get an idea of people. Isn't up how? It seems to be working for me? Not sure I understand? Nothing will replace the trader ratings. Rep is for forum/topics, trader ratings is for trading... Not sure if that clarifies anything? Thanks man!!
  3. Madaz - Use the new reputation system. Bump those suckas down.
  4. Wow! It is huge! Yep, will sort that out. Yeah good idea! I am still blaming you until the real perp is found. Hmm, thats odd. Will fix that. Sweet, I was trying to find a link to the mobile version for you but I couldnt. What about just searching from the search box up the top? Because that should probably be the most 'generic' search cause its easy. BTW - I wont be replying to the Private Messaging questions anymore. The answers you seek are on the first and second pages.
  5. For the record, guys. The new forums gives us a lot more freedom with modifications, skins, etc. Nothing is permanent and I want everybody to be happier on the new system than the old one, so whatever you want (within reason ) we can look at trying to incorporate into the site. The site is as much yours as it is mine.
  6. Ok cool. I have a couple of skins to trial this week, would like to get your feedback on them to see if they address your concerns? Regarding the PM's, whether they were done before or after the upgrade is irrelevant because they would have required disabling either way. This way at least the forum can function while they are offline.
  7. Read the announcement. Thanks man! On what forum view or topic view? I'm trying to make this site friendly to everybody and if that means I have to pay a designer to put together some skins for us then we can do that. BUT to do that I need better feedback. Things like "This layout sucks, the old one was better!" doesn't clarify anything for me and wont help me work out the next round of changes. Keep the feedback coming.
  8. PM's are disbled atm. Agreed. Done. Yeah, its much better. Did a lot of db/server optimising also. Um. Via a browser or the iPhone app? No sir. Heya. I kinda understand about the pages being clear but I dont understand what you mean about the images. There wad *so* much notice. Theres been announcements up for weeks, two weeks ago I posted saying that there'd be extended downtime coming up. Is this only an aesthetic complaint? Is it only the colours and layout that you dont like or is there some functionality that irks you also? Thanks! What about the old theme did you like? (And which did you use? Light or dark?) Agreed about the pics, should be fixed.
  9. Sweeeet, I hadn't received one yet and I thought I'd busted it.
  10. Thanks, but you mustn't have done it properly cause I didn't get an email.
  11. Yeah its a handy box, but takes up a lot of screen real estate. here. Whats wrong with you?!? Ahem, try here. Shan can't copy n paste to save his life. Yeah nice idea. Theres a chat room built in too but I havent configured/enabled it yet. Somebody reply so I can check email notification!
  12. Rebuilding the post content now. This should fix a lot of the topic weirdness like quotes.
  13. Thanks Duncan. I knew this would be a concern for you, I'll try to iron it out today.
  14. I dont anticipate the script will finish within 24hrs. I suspect they'll be available again on Tuesday.
  15. Yep, as stated in the announcement, there are more skins to be added yet. Not totally following you, can you eplain again? Yep, just noticed today, will try to sort that now. Ahh cool, will sort that out. Thanks for the feedback guys. Keep it coming.
  16. It's just the default incision skin.
  17. Putting my hand up to the Aussie Cricket Selectors to let them know I'm happy to take any of the openers' places for the 3rd test.

  18. There are a couple of themes I have purchased for the forums. We'll get them installed and then run a poll to get some ideas/preferences so we can keep everybody happy.
  19. Woot, thanks guys. Over the next day or so, you'll get an email with instructions and a URL to check out. Closing this thread as we have all the numbers we need.
  20. As the new version of SAU is nearing completion, we'll need a handful of guys to give it a good run around the block to make sure all functionality performs as it should and that nothing is missing. I only need 20ish, so leave your name here if you're keen. C
  21. Sweet - thanks guys, will check all of these. I definitely didnt check the body earths when i was looking the other day. Thanks!
  22. I have not. Good call. Should replace if its too loose, right?
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