I'm guessing it didn't take off?
For the record, I don't protect businesses, on the contrary, I love seeing businesses get whats coming to them when they deserve it, but a lot of the time a disgruntled customer can cause a lot of damage to a businesses reputation when, as Ash said, there is always two sides to the story. I had a lengthy phone call with a QLD importer just yesterday about comments made on the forums that were unjust, he explained the situation and I removed the thread. It was only fair as I was able to see the argument from both sides.
On a side note, if we can get workshops / businesses to sign a disclaimer freeing SAU from any legal responsibility regardless of what is posted, then yeah, I'm more than happy to have the feedback for that business posted, but how many businesses / workshops do you think will be willing to sign something like that?
Ian, I like your passion man, seriously. I think you underestimate how much time we put into making this place run the way it does. No decisions are made without lots of thought and sometimes legal advice (such as in this case).