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Everything posted by PranK

  1. A lot of you have been warned and had their posts edited in this thread. It surprised me a lot that the sex of the OP was brought up so many times and used to insult them. Like scraping the barrel for something to insult somebody over, not finding anything and then picking on their sex. Like a bunch of children. For the record, I have nothing against anybody telling another member they are doing the wrong thing, they are trying to get attention, whatever, tell it how it is, but don't use their sex as a weapon, thats when it becomes uncool. I have hammered members in posts before for saying stupid stuff (might like this 51r on a 25de topic) and I have also been proven wrong many times by people doing it anyway and getting great results. This is a community, we are here to learn and share, if we start picking on our own members, what happens to that community? C
  2. Thanks Ivonin, I agree - excellent phone! Sorry for the late response, will get pics up soon.
  3. Crap, sorry Paul, will get that now.
  4. Cleared some space. Should be ok now. Looking at moving our image hosting (all 80GB of it) to Amazon's cloud... We'll see though.
  5. Hmmm, looks like we have a space issue...
  6. This is a great phone, love it to death, but I have been given a phone for work, so I have no need for this anymore. I waited a long time for this phone to be released and if you are viewing it now, you know how good it is. I have kept it in its Nokia-supplied pouch its entire life, it has a few small chips / scratches on the outside edges of the cover (not the screen) from day-to-day use, but overall its in awesome condition. I still have the receipt (for $559) from September last year. I bought the phone outright, so it has no locks on it. It comes with all the accessories you get in the box; charger, hands free, pouch, manual, phone and 2gb (i think?) micro-sd card. Its a shame to get rid of it, its a great phone. $400. email me - [email protected]
  7. Deano, Are you able to get a list of the broken responses they found? Christian
  8. I wonder if it has anything to do with gzip compression... Those who are having problems, are you able to ping the site? What if you use the PDA skin? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Is...1&skinid=21
  9. I have been looking at AU hosting again lately, trying to weigh up the advantages as the exchange rate is hurting us atm. I'm sorry the site seems slow at times, we are on three servers and there should definitely be no busy-period slow down. Especially as we are busy when the rest of the states' servers are idle so it wont be network related. For the record, we are caching pages, we have a fairly tuned db (on a hefty box) and have done many other performance enhancements. Lately we removed our locally served ads also from the pages so there is less to load now. Hope that clears this up a little bit.
  10. Ohhh, how odd. I'll sort it out.
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you.... Image deletion. *bows*
  12. I'm guessing it didn't take off? For the record, I don't protect businesses, on the contrary, I love seeing businesses get whats coming to them when they deserve it, but a lot of the time a disgruntled customer can cause a lot of damage to a businesses reputation when, as Ash said, there is always two sides to the story. I had a lengthy phone call with a QLD importer just yesterday about comments made on the forums that were unjust, he explained the situation and I removed the thread. It was only fair as I was able to see the argument from both sides. On a side note, if we can get workshops / businesses to sign a disclaimer freeing SAU from any legal responsibility regardless of what is posted, then yeah, I'm more than happy to have the feedback for that business posted, but how many businesses / workshops do you think will be willing to sign something like that? Ian, I like your passion man, seriously. I think you underestimate how much time we put into making this place run the way it does. No decisions are made without lots of thought and sometimes legal advice (such as in this case). C
  13. Sorry Paul, I'm on it.
  14. Dave, where in Sydney are you?
  15. Ok, your access has been reinstated and your subscription expiration has been pushed back to August. I hope this is ok? Christian
  16. Yikes, seriously sorry about this JImports. Consider me looking into it today. Again my apologies, I'm not sure how I didnt see anything from you.
  17. Ergh, its phpAds. Been meaning to scrap them lately. Will try and fix it this weekend. Sorry.
  18. Or, use GPass or something to get around it.
  19. Agreed.
  20. sif you havent seen the 400R...
  21. And where? Garage, Gallery or Post?
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