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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Its a shame, but I have been contacted by Autronic's solicitors about a post in this thread. I have had my solicitors look over the request and have been advised that it is a reasonable request and not worth disputing. Its for that reason that the post has been removed. It upsets me that as we are all enthusiasts in the same industry that this had to be requested via a legal third party. Carry on.
  2. Btw, buy your gear first!! Before you buy the bike! So when it comes around to getting the bike, you'll only spend what you can and you wont spend too much and then be forced to get shit gear. Ride a shit bike with good gear, not the other way 'round.
  3. I do ~200km's a week on my bike (riding in 3 days a week + weekend chores) and that uses about 7L of fuel. I dont think you'd find a VTR within your price range but I would definitely consider adding another grand for an older one if I were you.
  4. CEF11E - Read these links. http://www.msgroup.org/tip.aspx?num=170 - read the whole thing, not just the beginning or whatever. http://www.netrider.net.au/forums/viewtopic.php?t=51234 - A thread I started at Netrider. The site is down half the time, but when its not, have a read through. Some good advice.
  5. Well, as usual, I'm a little slow to notice the big threads. Sorry that it happened Steve but bloody glad they caught the bottom-dweller. No doubt he wasn't on his own. With that much gear, how was he thinking he'd move it all? Nice link MFP.
  6. Yeah, I think that might need to be done. Its been a while since we did a moderator system overhaul. Thanks! God knows I'm trying to do the best I can. And yeah, I am an honest guy, life's too short to spin bullshit. Why oh Why would you do that?! Thats a fair enough call and something that I have been thinking about for a while. I will talk to the other mods / admins and come up with a good period after which we can delete warnings Christian
  7. Howdy, Sorry for the lack of PM response, I hardly ever check them because I get so many, its so time consuming going through them all (unlike emails) so I am best caught like this or shoot me an email. I'll have a chat to Duncan, I have known Duncan for a while now and haven't ever seen him being one-sided in any decisions. That being said, I am not immediately taking his side, I am just giving you a bit of a character reference. As for his warnings, the moderators and admin's dont have warning's on their accounts. This is because if a mod stuffs up badly enough to warrant a warning, odds are they are moving towards losing their moderation status anyway. Christian
  8. Well, when you sport a sig like yours, 80% seems a little low....
  9. I have to disagree with a few of you. Firstly, on the bike side of things, I got a VTR250. They have been labelled the best learner bike many times. Nice V-Twin, I'm a big guy and it carries me comfortably. Now, while I am still a learner and dont have loads of experience behind me, I do commute to the city 3 days a week (45min ride each way). I am a firm believer that a bike rider can avoid 95% of accidents by being cautious and observant. If you dont ride too close to people, stay out of blind spots and away from the sides of vehicles. Let tail-gaters past (literally change lanes to let them go), buffer driveways, slow down and check intersections even if you have right of way and generally drive like you are invisible (because you are) then I personally think that you will be fine. Especially as you can ride in bus lanes where nobody dares to drive (most of the time). Be nervous, you need to be nervous. If you are nervous then you'll be more cautious. At the end of the day, just give it a go and you'll either stick with it or not. Christian
  10. Cool, then we need those mods to be reported so they can be pulled aside. I dont want anybody thinking that because they're a mod they'll be treated differently.
  11. In all seriousness, if somebody makes a complaint about a moderator or admin, it should be treated the same way as anything else. I personally have removed mods because of certain actions. There is absolutely no favoritism from myself and shouldn't be from anyone else. If you are getting hammered by somebody, let me (or any of the admins) know because I can promise you it will be treated fairly. Christian
  12. I was actually enjoying somebody getting worked up about something on here, like giving a shit about the way things are done, but this last line of yours just makes me shake my head... If there is an account of a serious post that has been edited (besides rule breaking posts like chatting in fs, posting porn, etc) let me know because that goes against everything we want in these forums. Freedom of speech is my number 1 priority in almost everything I do. I, believe it or not, am a hippy at heart, member of Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, Free Tibet, Amnesty and a lot of others. I am all for freedom of speech, dont for one second misinterperet that by having rules that protect me and my family from legal action are there for any other reason. I am fairly sure that I am safe from legal action from businesses (step mother is a solicitor, dad is a barister, uncle is a solicitor, sister is a barister + shit loads of legal-minded family friends) but when it comes down to it, the internet and its legal grounds are still new and there are laws being changed every day to deal with them. Until I am absolutely positive about where I stand, the rules stay in place, because as much as I love you guys, I wont pick you when it comes to the crunch. Its crazy to think that we (I say we because although I am ultimately responsible, this forum belongs to everbody) cant say whats on our minds, but unfortunately (and at least for now), thats the way it has to be.
  13. Hell, if I can get in writing that you will pay all my legal costs if I'm sued, then go to town mate say whatever you want.
  14. Spamming, Flamming, Trolling, Porn, Anything we deem necessary for a warning. Right about here <----- or in your profile page.
  15. Oh, the PSP gone?
  16. I cannot confirm nor deny that I *may* have broken it.
  17. Yeah, sorry its taken a bit of shoving for me to organise it.
  18. Yeah thats exactly what I have in mind. There is a third-party addon for Invision that will do what we want, I'll sort it out with the next upgrade (very soon).
  19. Closed. Read ze rules.
  20. This thread needs a NSFW tag in the title.
  21. You have to log in to that site. Can you post them here? Christian
  22. Ok cool, then watch this space. Shouldnt be too far away.
  23. I am actually looking at building a 'garage' module for people to add their cars, pics, mods, write ups, experiences etc... So they are all in one place and not in 1000 different threads. Maybe this would be good enough for what you are thinking of? Christian
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