I was actually enjoying somebody getting worked up about something on here, like giving a shit about the way things are done, but this last line of yours just makes me shake my head... If there is an account of a serious post that has been edited (besides rule breaking posts like chatting in fs, posting porn, etc) let me know because that goes against everything we want in these forums.
Freedom of speech is my number 1 priority in almost everything I do. I, believe it or not, am a hippy at heart, member of Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, Free Tibet, Amnesty and a lot of others. I am all for freedom of speech, dont for one second misinterperet that by having rules that protect me and my family from legal action are there for any other reason.
I am fairly sure that I am safe from legal action from businesses (step mother is a solicitor, dad is a barister, uncle is a solicitor, sister is a barister + shit loads of legal-minded family friends) but when it comes down to it, the internet and its legal grounds are still new and there are laws being changed every day to deal with them. Until I am absolutely positive about where I stand, the rules stay in place, because as much as I love you guys, I wont pick you when it comes to the crunch.
Its crazy to think that we (I say we because although I am ultimately responsible, this forum belongs to everbody) cant say whats on our minds, but unfortunately (and at least for now), thats the way it has to be.